Author Topic: Preorderers: First Impressions?  (Read 12772 times)

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Preorderers: First Impressions?
« on: April 04, 2010, 04:20:59 PM »
So what do you think? :)
Fred Hicks
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Re: Preorderers: First Impressions?
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2010, 04:26:58 PM »
If I had a uterus I'd offer to bear your children!

Seriously, as I said on, this is one gaming product I can read cover to cover.  Now that I am aware of the danger of reading the side notes while eating/drinking, I think it will be ok.

Offline blackheart

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Re: Preorderers: First Impressions?
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2010, 04:48:41 PM »
I came into work at [REDACTED] on my day off to get it printed out so I can go over it with a fine-tooth comb.

First pages look good, just memory intensive for our print server.

I'll read through it this afternoon, take copious notes and post either monday night or tuesday morning.

EDIT: Woo-hoo SoulCatcher! 500 posts!
« Last Edit: April 04, 2010, 04:50:34 PM by blackheart »
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Re: Preorderers: First Impressions?
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2010, 04:52:19 PM »
I for one can't wait to see the final version when the "? ? ?" section of Our World has something in there!
« Last Edit: April 04, 2010, 06:10:10 PM by Enjorous »
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Re: Preorderers: First Impressions?
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2010, 05:40:23 PM »
So what do you think? :)

Give me a chance to read the durn thing, Fred.

I just purchased it about 20 minutes ago. ;D

Offline Odd Man Out

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Re: Preorderers: First Impressions?
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2010, 06:49:21 PM »
90% of it is great so far, but I've got these weird sections with blue, mirror imaged text that's kinda killing the flow at points. May be a function of using Foxit instead of Adobe to read the pdf. Anyone else having this problem?

That said, loving the content so far.

Offline iago

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Re: Preorderers: First Impressions?
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2010, 06:49:57 PM »
90% of it is great so far, but I've got these weird sections with blue, mirror imaged text that's kinda killing the flow at points. May be a function of using Foxit instead of Adobe to read the pdf. Anyone else having this problem?

That said, loving the content so far.

That sounds unique to your experience.
Fred Hicks
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Re: Preorderers: First Impressions?
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2010, 06:59:35 PM »
Love it so far. Been waiting for this game for a while. Now my only problem is I have a Mage game I've been running with DF influences but now I want to run this game!!! This is my first real intro to the FATE system. So far I'm loving the magic system. I've been skipping around reading different parts of the game trying to wrap my head around it.

I just might have to run this game soon not sure yet how. Luckily a real slow day at work today so I've had plenty of time to read. Everything I've read so far has been fantastic.

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Re: Preorderers: First Impressions?
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2010, 07:11:11 PM »
So what do you think? :)
I'm only beginning to get into this thing, but I'm blown away by what I've seen! The writing, the art, the layout- everything is as good as I've seen in an rpg book. No kidding.

Maybe the best compliment I can give it is that can tell it's a labor of love. I've got lots of RPGs but very few that fit that description.

I'll post more later-I've got reading to do!

Offline Odd Man Out

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Re: Preorderers: First Impressions?
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2010, 07:37:34 PM »
That sounds unique to your experience.

It seems to be limited to when I use Foxit to open them. In Adobe the text just looks like someone used a blue highlighter on it. I'll hiss about Adobe being the devil later, book is excellent.

The 'in play' examples as things are introduced is a much better primer than the 'here's the rules, now this is them all being used at once' style some of my other favorite games use. No really arcane terminology and the side-banter is pertinent without being dry.

Offline Lanodantheon

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Re: Preorderers: First Impressions?
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2010, 07:42:49 PM »
I have seen many games based on licensed properties. I have seen over a dozen game based on book series, comics, anime, movie sagas and most of them have the same thing in common, they all suck. They are not necessarily bad games, but they either A) Did not do enough research/ made stuff up based on assumptions, 2) too broadly focused and doesn't quite capture the feel of its license, 3) Is too narrowly focused and can capture the License and nothing else, or 4) isn't fun at all.

When I first heard about TDFRPG, I took it lightly because of all the failures I've seen in the past. When I started to see the preview content, I was fairly convinced, but still iffy.

When I saw the Baltimore chapter, power list, and Rick Neal's QA, I was sold.

This morning, I found my anticipation well founded and my Easter money from Grandmother well spent.

Being so close to the Author, the designers have really put a lot of effort into the book and into the research. There are times in my read-through I found reference to stuff in the books that I forgot about like Abby in White Night. The artwork is high quality and from various sources and capture the various crowning moments of awesome from throughout the series. I had several burst of adrenaline that kept me up til the early hours after seeing things like Chauncy, the Scarecrow and other favorites realized.

Being based on an already existing game system, the game is not too narrowly or broadly focused. If used as-is, the game will do TDF or an assortment of related ideas very easily. Since FATE has different iterations and interpretations, you can use elements from other FATE games to add missing elements into you games as desired. For example, I could use another FATE game's vehicle rules in TDF if I wanted and it wouldn't necessarily break the game.

I haven't determined fun factor yet, but already it looks promising. Why? Because I have spent the past few hours when I should be sleeping playing the game-within-a-game, City and Character creation. That is the mark of a FUN ASS GAME!!!!

Other notes include things like.....I can't think of many complaints. Having been around so many dang Min-Maxers for so long I tried to break the game at creation several times and found myself head off every single time. A fifth complaint about many RPGs, not just RPGs based on licensed properties is that they aren't tested enough (As a former Game Tester myself, I consider this a personal bias.) and a few loop holes fall through the cracks. I thought, "I'll just take multiple Items of Power and get a load of discounts" only to read that I had been head off.

Bravo..... ;D  (Nov 2012 Campaign of The Month)
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Re: Preorderers: First Impressions?
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2010, 07:45:13 PM »
The more I read the side comments from Harry, Bob, and Billy the more I have a hard time believing that Jim didn't write any of them!

You guys well and truly rock!
Kentucky Fried Shuriken - Finger Lickin' Death.
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Re: Preorderers: First Impressions?
« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2010, 02:25:13 AM »
I must say the art direction must be applauded. You can catch lots of little details from some of the books great scenes.

One of my favorite pieces is the intro phage...err page for what goes  Bump :o

Great stuff  ;D

Offline Ink Slinger

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Re: Preorderers: First Impressions?
« Reply #13 on: April 05, 2010, 02:32:48 AM »

We only ordered the Your Story for now (everyone in the group pitching in $10 so we can easily afford), but I'm seriously buggin' the hubster to order Our World too.  want, Crave, NEED!  (Like I will give up getting a new phone in order to get the book now)

For someone who has never actually read an RPG manual before (I know, I know.  Typically hubby or BIL just made the character for me or told me what to add), it's very easy to understand and follow.  The comments from Billy, Harry and Bob are fantastically hilarious.  I have a character I write and have for a while that I think I will be able to easily turn into a PC for this.  I'm super excited and we're gonna give it a go this Friday.

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Re: Preorderers: First Impressions?
« Reply #14 on: April 05, 2010, 02:39:13 AM »
I've decided to be cruel to my son, who graduates from HS this May.

I'm *not* going to give him the books as a graduation present.

He'll have to wait until November, for his birthday. :o