Author Topic: signators of the accord and accord cities [many questions]  (Read 7288 times)

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signators of the accord and accord cities [many questions]
« on: April 03, 2010, 07:40:33 PM »
sorry for the long list of questions, all background info for a campaign idea i have, i hope it makes some sort of sense as i just wrote what poped into my head hehe. i may add to the list as i think of more.

1] who has signed the accord? [is there a list in the books?].
a] i know that the vampires have signed on but is it all vampire courts or just the white and red courts.
b] is there any sort of shapeshifter signator? i mean most creatures seen as were-creatures [wolfs etc] seem to be pack animals, but dont seem to have a central organised group like vamps and wizards. the real question here is there a organised group of were-creatures that spans more than one city? if not what would it look like?
c] is there any sort of evil/dark like groups who are signators? [other than vampires], im sure that i remember reading that the denarians are signators, but i cant find where i read it to save my life.
d] is the exact nature and laws of the accord gonna turn up in the rpg?

2] is there such thing as a accord city, ie a city that has its own accord, maybe a addendum to the overal world accord. we know that edinburgh is the HQ of the white council, do we think its written in the accord that only they are allowed to live in the city, thus no vamps etc.
a] if there is such a thing how does it interact with the world accord?


Offline Enjorous

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Re: signators of the accord and accord cities [many questions]
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2010, 08:16:48 PM »
I can answer d) based on what I read on the website.

The short answer is no. Fred and the other designers don't want to inadvertently tie Jim's hands by including the actual accords.

Most of your other questions are probably up for the GM to decide (especially question 2.)
« Last Edit: April 03, 2010, 08:18:26 PM by Enjorous »
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Re: signators of the accord and accord cities [many questions]
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2010, 08:29:50 PM »
1]: Not a full one. Monoc Industries is a signatory, as are the White Council, the Denarians, the Archive, apparently several dragons and possibly a few minor gods, as are the parties mentioned below, and likely quite a few others, but these are all I can remember off the top of my head.
1a]: It's all. Jade Court and Black Court have both been explicitly mentioned as following the Accords.
1b]: There are probably individual shapeshifter signatories, but almost certainly nobody with the authority to sign for the shifter community as a whole.
1c]: Yeah, both Courts of the Fae are signatories (hence the name), and I'd say Winter qualifies as evil. And the Denarians being signatories is mentioned in Small Favor.
1d]: As Enjorous stated, no, because they don't want to tie Jim's hands.

2]: Not explicitly, but there's no reason you couldn't have one.
2a]: That's up to you, since it'd be a creation of your game.

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Re: signators of the accord and accord cities [many questions]
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2010, 08:33:39 PM »
1c]: Yeah, both Courts of the Fae are signatories (hence the name), and I'd say Winter qualifies as evil. And the Denarians being signatories is mentioned in Small Favor.

I'd have to say that Summer aren't entirely part of the good guys either.
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Re: signators of the accord and accord cities [many questions]
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2010, 08:44:35 PM »
I'd have to say that Summer aren't entirely part of the good guys either.

Actually, by Dresden Universe standards I'd say they are. They're not perfect, certainly, but they're no worse than the White Council. We've seen them at their worst in the books, in large part because our Protagonist has ties to winter, and because Titania has a personal grudge against Harry, but they seem to be honorable, and legitimately much nicer people than the Winter Court.

In any case, whether the Summer Court are the nicest folks ever wasn't really my point, just that the Winter Court is less nice, and probably qualify as evil for most practical purposes.


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Re: signators of the accord and accord cities [many questions]
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2010, 09:02:18 PM »
Actually, by Dresden Universe standards I'd say they are. They're not perfect, certainly, but they're no worse than the White Council. We've seen them at their worst in the books, in large part because our Protagonist has ties to winter, and because Titania has a personal grudge against Harry, but they seem to be honorable, and legitimately much nicer people than the Winter Court.

In any case, whether the Summer Court are the nicest folks ever wasn't really my point, just that the Winter Court is less nice, and probably qualify as evil for most practical purposes.

No worse than the White Council also defines the a number of less savory groups probably.  Like, "No worse than the Spanish Inquisition", or "No worse than the Courts of Star Chamber".  "It's all for a good cause" could probably be another phrase, just like was used with those other organizations.

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Re: signators of the accord and accord cities [many questions]
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2010, 09:17:13 PM »
No worse than the White Council also defines the a number of less savory groups probably.  Like, "No worse than the Spanish Inquisition", or "No worse than the Courts of Star Chamber".  "It's all for a good cause" could probably be another phrase, just like was used with those other organizations.

Now, now, Harry's predjudices aside, the White Council is a force for good in the world as a whole. They do indeed do horrible, unforgiveable, things on occasion...but they're also some of a very few people who can stand up against the supernatural evil in the world and do something about it. And they do.

I'm not saying either the Summer Court or the White Council are pure champions of all that's good and right, but they are on the right side, fighting against the monsters that prey on humanity. Neither of them preys on humanity for sustenance or for the sake of doing so, and both try and stop some of those that do (the Winter Court and warlocks and black sorcerers, respectively). That makes them the 'good guys' as far as I'm concerned.

Still, you are right in a sense, I picked the White Council deliberately as a comparison as opposed to, say, the Knights of the Cross, because neither the Summer Court nor the White Council are as pure as driven snow, but that doesn't make them the bad guys.


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Re: signators of the accord and accord cities [many questions]
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2010, 09:25:13 PM »
Now, now, Harry's predjudices aside, the White Council is a force for good in the world as a whole. They do indeed do horrible, unforgiveable, things on occasion...but they're also some of a very few people who can stand up against the supernatural evil in the world and do something about it. And they do.

I'm not saying either the Summer Court or the White Council are pure champions of all that's good and right, but they are on the right side, fighting against the monsters that prey on humanity. Neither of them preys on humanity for sustenance or for the sake of doing so, and both try and stop some of those that do (the Winter Court and warlocks and black sorcerers, respectively). That makes them the 'good guys' as far as I'm concerned.

Still, you are right in a sense, I picked the White Council deliberately as a comparison as opposed to, say, the Knights of the Cross, because neither the Summer Court nor the White Council are as pure as driven snow, but that doesn't make them the bad guys.

In what way does the Summer court fight against those that prey on humanity?  What large Council actions have we seen to protect the humanity from the monsters?  We've seen Harry, the Paranet, and Elaine. We've seen him call upon Ramirez from time to time to stop magic anti-magical goings on.  But I don't think we've seen the council ever act out in anything but enlightened self-interest.

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Re: signators of the accord and accord cities [many questions]
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2010, 09:49:14 PM »
In what way does the Summer court fight against those that prey on humanity?  What large Council actions have we seen to protect the humanity from the monsters?  We've seen Harry, the Paranet, and Elaine. We've seen him call upon Ramirez from time to time to stop magic anti-magical goings on.  But I don't think we've seen the council ever act out in anything but enlightened self-interest.

I actually mentioned that specifically:

The Summer Court opposes the Winter Court at every opportunity, considering who and what the Winter Court are and do, that qualifies as protecting humanity early and often. Their motivations vary somewhat by individual, but they do it. I'd go into more detail, but we honestly don't have alot more detail on the Summer Court. I'll just note that with the exception of Aurora and Titania we've never seen a member of the Summer Court do anything that could be described as evil except under direct orders from a Queen (which they are incapable of disobeying).

The Council, meanwhile, hunts down and stops anyone who breaks the Laws of Magic, which are legitimately bad people preying on humanity for the most part, even Harry admits that. Or did until the Vampire War, anyway, and since then they've been fighting vampires and their allies instead.

Additionally, to quote Dead Beat, Luccio gives a specific rundown of what being a warden means:

"That it will be your job to protect mortals in this area. To be vigilant against supernatural threats in your region, and represent the Council in matters of diplomacy. To aid and assist other wizards who come to you for aid and protection, and, when required, to strike at the enemies of the Council, such as the Red Court and their allies."

The Senior Council may not be the nicest folks on Earth, but protecting mortals from magical threats is explicitly part of a Warden's mandate. Every Warden we've seen takes that seriously, and every one but Harry seems to always get the Council's backing on it, and even Harry usually gets said backing. An organization's leaders and politics aren't the sum of what it is and does. A Police Department whose chief is corrupt and playing politics can still be one of the good guys if the officers take their job seriously and protect people.


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Re: signators of the accord and accord cities [many questions]
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2010, 10:39:24 PM »
I actually mentioned that specifically:

The Summer Court opposes the Winter Court at every opportunity, considering who and what the Winter Court are and do, that qualifies as protecting humanity early and often. Their motivations vary somewhat by individual, but they do it. I'd go into more detail, but we honestly don't have alot more detail on the Summer Court. I'll just note that with the exception of Aurora and Titania we've never seen a member of the Summer Court do anything that could be described as evil except under direct orders from a Queen (which they are incapable of disobeying).

Where is that coming from?  The opposite of doing everything to hurt humanity, could be doing everything to ignore humanity, because "interference would be an unkindness.  We should let them fight their own battles."  For the Wizards against the monsters, they remained neutral.  They probably remain neutral against others.

The Council, meanwhile, hunts down and stops anyone who breaks the Laws of Magic, which are legitimately bad people preying on humanity for the most part, even Harry admits that. Or did until the Vampire War, anyway, and since then they've been fighting vampires and their allies instead.

Additionally, to quote Dead Beat, Luccio gives a specific rundown of what being a warden means:

"That it will be your job to protect mortals in this area. To be vigilant against supernatural threats in your region, and represent the Council in matters of diplomacy. To aid and assist other wizards who come to you for aid and protection, and, when required, to strike at the enemies of the Council, such as the Red Court and their allies."

The Senior Council may not be the nicest folks on Earth, but protecting mortals from magical threats is explicitly part of a Warden's mandate. Every Warden we've seen takes that seriously, and every one but Harry seems to always get the Council's backing on it, and even Harry usually gets said backing. An organization's leaders and politics aren't the sum of what it is and does. A Police Department whose chief is corrupt and playing politics can still be one of the good guys if the officers take their job seriously and protect people.

Thanks for the quote on that.  That's pretty good evidence.  It's followed, iirc, with Harry saying something like "I already do that", and Luccio saying "Now you'll do it in a Grey Cloak".  It was while she was trying to convince him he had to join.  But not to join the council.  That was to join the Wardens.  The Wardens are a part of the Council, but not even the most significant percentage of them.

The killing of the Law Breakers is good work.  It's like the government that waits until a toxic spill happens and then cleans it up.  It is in their own enlightened self-interest since that is what the Council exists FOR.  It is not done in order to protect people.  If it was to protect people it would be proactive.  They would find potentials everywhere they could and warn them, bring them into the fold.  Create ranks of supporting lower level magic users within the council membership so that they could also have a voice to express their needs, fears and become protected from the other signatories of the Accords.  Instead, they decide they can kill them at will, but don't offer them the most basic levels of protection.

The Council may have been a wonderful organization when it was pulled together, but it isn't anymore.  There are good people in it, but, like Cowl says, it is rotten at the core.  He didn't just mean Peabody, I don't think.

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Re: signators of the accord and accord cities [many questions]
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2010, 11:27:34 PM »
Just throwing in my two cents, the Summer and Winter Courts are neither evil nor good. Like Bob says Summer winning against Winter would usher in a great period of growth and life; which would be better for things like disease than for any kind of “higher” beings. They’re locked in a perpetual contest and either side winning would be extremely bad. Winter may represent a more entropy ridden and deadly system than Summer but they aren’t necessarily bad. Granted most of the ones we see aren’t nearly as fluffy and nice as the gruffs, who were only doing their job, but the eldest queen of winter seemed pleasant enough which seems to imply that others may be as well. The Summer court probably has their share of predators stalking the night as well.

And the White council probably started out with noble intentions but has over time become increasingly self interested. They do good work and fight the good fight when it needs doing but for the most part they just want to safeguard the status quo.

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Re: signators of the accord and accord cities [many questions]
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2010, 12:47:10 AM »
The concepts of Good and Evil do not apply to the Summer or Winter Courts. They are alien in their motivations and their struggle for power mirrors the natural world. The fact that something natural is attractive or sometimes sweet to you does not make it good. Just ask Roy Horn of Siegfried & Roy he raised the tiger from a cub and thought he understood it right up until it pounced on him. This does not make the tiger evil you can not apply human morality to non human creatures.
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Re: signators of the accord and accord cities [many questions]
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2010, 01:17:22 AM »
Where is that coming from?  The opposite of doing everything to hurt humanity, could be doing everything to ignore humanity, because "interference would be an unkindness.  We should let them fight their own battles."  For the Wizards against the monsters, they remained neutral.  They probably remain neutral against others.

Not exactly, they aren’t just the opposite of Winter, they are almost compelled to actively oppose it (Summer Knight and Small Favor both discuss this aspect of the two Courts), which means that when Winter’s plans involve hurting people, Summer tries to save them. And vice versa potentially, but Winter doesn’t exactly help people nearly as often.

Thanks for the quote on that.  That's pretty good evidence.  It's followed, iirc, with Harry saying something like "I already do that", and Luccio saying "Now you'll do it in a Grey Cloak".  It was while she was trying to convince him he had to join.  But not to join the council.  That was to join the Wardens.  The Wardens are a part of the Council, but not even the most significant percentage of them.

Yep, you remember correctly.  :)

And yeah, the Wardens aren’t the whole of the Council, but they are the most active portion of it, with a lot of the rest sitting around doing magical research and other things like that.

The killing of the Law Breakers is good work.  It's like the government that waits until a toxic spill happens and then cleans it up.  It is in their own enlightened self-interest since that is what the Council exists FOR.  It is not done in order to protect people.  If it was to protect people it would be proactive.  They would find potentials everywhere they could and warn them, bring them into the fold.  Create ranks of supporting lower level magic users within the council membership so that they could also have a voice to express their needs, fears and become protected from the other signatories of the Accords.  Instead, they decide they can kill them at will, but don't offer them the most basic levels of protection.

The Council may have been a wonderful organization when it was pulled together, but it isn't anymore.  There are good people in it, but, like Cowl says, it is rotten at the core.  He didn't just mean Peabody, I don't think.

True, to an extent, but I think we’re talking past each other a bit here: I’m in no way saying the Council doesn’t have it’s bad side or doesn’t act in large part due to self interest. So did, say, the U.S. during World War II…but that doesn’t mean they weren’t the good guys compared to what they were facing.

Just throwing in my two cents, the Summer and Winter Courts are neither evil nor good.

Oh, I agree, at least in the moral sense. They’re Fae and thus alien. But again I think our definitions may be slightly off: I referred to the Summer Court as the good guys, in a good guys vs. bad guys context. Their motivations may be alien, but from a human perspective, they’re on the right side.

Like Bob says Summer winning against Winter would usher in a great period of growth and life; which would be better for things like disease than for any kind of “higher” beings. They’re locked in a perpetual contest and either side winning would be extremely bad. Winter may represent a more entropy ridden and deadly system than Summer but they aren’t necessarily bad. Granted most of the ones we see aren’t nearly as fluffy and nice as the gruffs, who were only doing their job, but the eldest queen of winter seemed pleasant enough which seems to imply that others may be as well. The Summer court probably has their share of predators stalking the night as well.

This I don’t agree with. In a discussion of universal balance, sure, yeah, either side’s victory would be awful, because they impact the ecosystem of the earth, and yes, there may be perfectly benign Winter Fae and cruel Summer Fae…but that’s not the normal way of things. In the normal scheme of things, the Summer Court protect and nurture humans in exchange for favors (they like deals every bit as much as Winter), and the Winter Court have men dance to death or women raped for their entertainment. Are the Summer Court every bit as alien, at heart, as Winter? Sure. But they are differently alien, and in a way that is usually less inimical to humanity.

And the White council probably started out with noble intentions but has over time become increasingly self interested. They do good work and fight the good fight when it needs doing but for the most part they just want to safeguard the status quo.

There are actually some sound logical reasons for the Council not to take a more active role in things (Luccio argues them well in Turn Coat), but more importantly, I’m not arguing motivation, I’m arguing what side they’ve aligned themselves with, and they’ve very much decided to protect and defend humanity.


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Re: signators of the accord and accord cities [many questions]
« Reply #13 on: April 04, 2010, 01:53:22 AM »
Not exactly, they aren’t just the opposite of Winter, they are almost compelled to actively oppose it (Summer Knight and Small Favor both discuss this aspect of the two Courts), which means that when Winter’s plans involve hurting people, Summer tries to save them. And vice versa potentially, but Winter doesn’t exactly help people nearly as often.

Yep, you remember correctly.  :)

And yeah, the Wardens aren’t the whole of the Council, but they are the most active portion of it, with a lot of the rest sitting around doing magical research and other things like that.

True, to an extent, but I think we’re talking past each other a bit here: I’m in no way saying the Council doesn’t have it’s bad side or doesn’t act in large part due to self interest. So did, say, the U.S. during World War II…but that doesn’t mean they weren’t the good guys compared to what they were facing.
I can get behind that and push, but I think that the U.S. during WWII had more enlightened will than the Council, at least to get something done right.  The Council is archaically slow in coming to action compared to the U.S.  And they've had the equivalent of nuclear bombs before nuclear bombs were cool.  Still, I get your point in that.  As far as the 'compelled to act against' thing, my read was different, but that's because I think Titania is behind the 'Black Council'.  Already covered that in another threat though.

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Re: signators of the accord and accord cities [many questions]
« Reply #14 on: April 05, 2010, 11:32:49 PM »
I have a question about which wizards are bound by the Accords.  The White Council is a signatory to the Accords, but sorcerers, focused practitioners, and minor talents are not members of the White Council; are these various spellcasters bound by the Accords?  I figure that the answer is no, but that brings me to a new question ... at what point does a spellcaster become bound by the Accords?  Is the spellcaster required to formally join the White Council, or do the Accords presume that spellcasters of a certain degree of power are always members of the White Council (which could lead to the Council being held liable for the actions of a powerful warlock)?