Author Topic: Wierd Character Ideas  (Read 18027 times)

Offline luminos

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Re: Wierd Character Ideas
« Reply #45 on: March 30, 2010, 05:48:09 PM »
The Edward Gales character is extremely workable.  You give him a high concept aspect that describes him as a potential knight of the cross, and consider giving him the champion of god template ( and you have pretty much free reign on giving him whatever aspects you think make him an interesting character.
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Re: Wierd Character Ideas
« Reply #46 on: March 30, 2010, 09:42:09 PM »
A character who uses attacks of pure will. He could use force magic, but mainly he would do stuff like in Storm Front when Harry 'slaps' the shadowman, only a LOT harder.

an interesting flaw/trait for this character is that his will/magic is so powerful that he has a hard time keeping it all in. so even standing near him you can feel the power flowing off of him. Vanilla mortals would be aware of it through a general nausea or feeling of intimidation, and even the most "Leroy Brown" of dogs tend to submit under it's pressure.
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Offline Damian Magecraft

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Re: Wierd Character Ideas
« Reply #47 on: March 30, 2010, 10:51:42 PM »
God, I haven't played that game in years. I was so excited when I saw they had a 4th Edition book out. I'd hoped they'd overhauled the system, but no. It remained pretty much the same.

I always have loved the setting of Rifts, but that freaking system is pain.
Its no more of a pain than 1st ed D&D or AD&D. or any other system for that matter. no system is perfect but they all are workable.

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Re: Wierd Character Ideas
« Reply #48 on: March 30, 2010, 11:34:37 PM »
Just had a thought for an interesting character:

Bipolar Techbane

A character that has the mana static minor talent, but can only use it in her manic phases.  When she is 'depressive' she keeps a stoic attitude useful for dealing with intimidation and a whole lot of other social and mental situations, but lacks the motivation to do very much.  When she is 'manic', her mana static power is active, and almost out of control, plus she is capable of running circles around opponents in a fight during a manic phase.   

I figure this character would have all kinds of compels and invokes associated with the aspects dealing with her bipolar disorder.  It wouldn't be too hard to make a couple of stunts to give some mechanics for how the character manages the bipolar-ism (make them roll a check against discipline to see if they can get out of a manic state, for example).   
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Re: Wierd Character Ideas
« Reply #49 on: March 30, 2010, 11:39:00 PM »
Its no more of a pain than 1st ed D&D or AD&D. or any other system for that matter. no system is perfect but they all are workable.

This reminds me (I'm not picking on Damian here) -- let's please try to keep system advocacy/bashing to a minimum in this forum, please.

A character that has the mana static minor talent, but can only use it in her manic phases.  When she is 'depressive' she keeps a stoic attitude useful for dealing with intimidation and a whole lot of other social and mental situations, but lacks the motivation to do very much.  When she is 'manic', her mana static power is active, and almost out of control, plus she is capable of running circles around opponents in a fight during a manic phase.   

I figure this character would have all kinds of compels and invokes associated with the aspects dealing with her bipolar disorder.  It wouldn't be too hard to make a couple of stunts to give some mechanics for how the character manages the bipolar-ism (make them roll a check against discipline to see if they can get out of a manic state, for example).   

Fun! You could pull that off with a "shapeshifting" power (Human Form, Involuntary Change), plus Mana Static and Inhuman Speed. Pretty cheap build, right there.
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Offline Damian Magecraft

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Re: Wierd Character Ideas
« Reply #50 on: March 31, 2010, 12:06:21 AM »
This reminds me (I'm not picking on Damian here) -- let's please try to keep system advocacy/bashing to a minimum in this forum, please.
Sorry I did not mean to advocate or deride any particular system (just the opposite actually).

Offline iago

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Re: Wierd Character Ideas
« Reply #51 on: March 31, 2010, 01:03:44 AM »
Which is why I was saying I wasn't picking on you. :)
Fred Hicks
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Offline Damian Magecraft

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Re: Wierd Character Ideas
« Reply #52 on: March 31, 2010, 01:42:24 AM »
Which is why I was saying I wasn't picking on you. :)

Back on track.

(Go easy on me I am not familiar with FATE system so I went with basic concepts)
General concept:
Descendant of a very powerful well connected and decidedly deceased wizard.
He was named after his ancestor and both enjoys and suffers from a case of mistaken identity (those pesky denizens of the never never and their difficulty with the concept of human mortality).
problem 1:much is expected of him from the council (not all of it good see below).
problem two: great-great-granpa made a lot of questionable deals guess who has to full-fill the contracts?
problem 3: he suffers the family "curse" of Sorcerous fury: when under high stress or heavily injured he becomes a living dynamo of power and destruction fueled by unbridled rage and uncontrolled magical energy.

Offline luminos

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Re: Wierd Character Ideas
« Reply #53 on: April 01, 2010, 10:58:56 PM »

Aspect 1:  "You know spies, bunch of whiny little b%*^#$es"
Character has contacts in the law enforcement/spy community, but sometimes has to do them a favor to get what he wants.  On the other hand, he can get free meals when he meets his contacts if he has information they are interested in.

Aspect 2:  "Good, bad, I'm the one with the gun"
He has a gun.  The other guy can gloat all he wants to about being bad, but the character has a gun.

Aspect 3:  Son of Hermes
which pretty much makes him a kick-ass thief

You don't mess with Chuck Finley(Intimidation):  gets +2 to intimidation when dealing with criminals
Weapon of destiny[chainsaw](weapons):  as per the stunt in SotC
Klaatu Barada Necktie:  +2 to deceit when interacting with malevolent magical artifacts

I'm bad at coming up with names, so I used a random generator to come up with Bruce Campbell.  Its kind of bland, so I'll probably change that part.
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Re: Wierd Character Ideas
« Reply #54 on: April 01, 2010, 11:20:05 PM »
I love the melding of Burn Notice, I almost spat tea all over my monitor :D
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Re: Wierd Character Ideas
« Reply #55 on: April 02, 2010, 05:02:14 PM »
I’ve been toying with the idea of the Jersey Devil as a wyldfae. So if I can sucker someone else into running the game I think I’ll go with a changeling descended from it. He’d have the potential for wings, claws, mythic toughness, inhuman strength, and possibly minor glamours or speed. Personality wise he’d be repulsively true to his word even for a fae, angsty about his increasing inhumanity but unwilling to make the Choice because he thinks of himself as a real life superhero, and incredibly stubborn.

Offline Lanodantheon

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Re: Wierd Character Ideas
« Reply #56 on: April 02, 2010, 06:05:24 PM »
Aspect 1:  "You know spies, bunch of whiny little b%*^#$es"
Character has contacts in the law enforcement/spy community, but sometimes has to do them a favor to get what he wants.  On the other hand, he can get free meals when he meets his contacts if he has information they are interested in.

Love it, but man the line is: "You know spies, bunch of b%*^#$y little girls"

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Re: Wierd Character Ideas
« Reply #57 on: April 07, 2010, 09:21:29 AM »
The character I've been wanting to make is an ex-Knight of the Cross. In my game-universe this is the guy who had Esperacchius before Sanya did. The basic idea for the character is that he comes across a Denarian, bests him in combat, but is forced to let the Denarian off on mercy in exchange for a piece of silver (if you catch my drift). The Now-Powerless Denarian then breaks into the Knight's house, kills the Knight's lover/partner guy, and ransacks the place looking for the coin (to no avail).

Long story short, the Knight loses his faith because it allows injustice like the one mentioned above to run rampant, so he gives up the whole "nice-guy" way of living, hunts down the Denarian, and uses the Sword of Hope in a act of revenge/despair (I.E. kills the Denarian in cold-blood.) Bada-bing bada-boom, the sword is zapped out of his hands like Harry in Grave Peril, and the Knight just leaves it with the body. Somehow the Sword is reclaimed and handed up the lines until the Angel Michael gives it to Sanya, but that's not important to the character.

I haven't got many of the aspects down yet. Maybe something like "Oh, how the Almighty have fallen." or "He had it coming."

I dunno. Just an idea.
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Michael: "He didn't mean it, Lord."

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Offline Ihadris

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Re: Wierd Character Ideas
« Reply #58 on: April 07, 2010, 11:27:01 AM »
I dunno. Just an idea.

An amazing idea! I really love it!

As for aspects perhaps "Where is God now?". Its an abbreviation of a quote from Elie Wiesel. I think it quite appropriate in the circumstance.

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Wierd Character Ideas
« Reply #59 on: April 07, 2010, 11:39:23 AM »
Yeah, that idea is just made of win. Another possible Aspect might be "All Hope Is Lost." or "I Was Once A Righteous Man." A potentially extremely bitter and depressed character, but assuming he's still fighting evil, still a hero for all that. Doing him as a Pure Mortal with some Conviction, Weapons, and perhaps Endurance or Intimidation stunts would be alot of fun, but so would, say, making him the new Winter Knight.