Author Topic: Aspectify the Main Characters  (Read 2770 times)

Offline horvagab

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Aspectify the Main Characters
« on: March 29, 2010, 08:10:14 AM »
I thought it would be fun to make up aspects for the characters for the novels. The 'canon' aspects are probably already done in the book, but that doesn't mean that we can't have fun :D.

"Bob, wake up! We've got work to do"
     Invoke: You've got a Wizardpedia, a source of magical knowledge from everywhere.
     Compel: which likes to play hard to get sometimes, and it would be unhealthy to let it leak that you've         got it

Outdated, suicidal Chivalry:
    Invoke: Whenever you try to rescue a child or a female, or help them in some way, you may get bonuses for it.
    Compel: But you can't turn them down. Even if they're obviously evil. And hot.

Let's whip up some others guys! :D

Offline Ihadris

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Re: Aspectify the Main Characters
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2010, 11:33:22 AM »
Heh I was thinking about this when I first tried pitching the RPG to my friends and needed to explain the system. Can't remember what I put originally but oh well, here goes.

Michael Carpenter
"Everyone deserves a second chance"
-Invoke to help defuse that nasty situation
-Compell for when its an distinctly inappropriate time

"Faith to move mountains"
-Invoke for bonuses when on "official" duties
-Compell when "official" duties are an official pain in the ass

"Rescued the maiden and slew the dragon"
-Invoke against intimidation attempts or when protecting his family
-Compell when his family are in danger.

Karrin Murphy
"For the law, by the law"
-Invoke for bonus whenever acting in her professional capacity
-compell for paperwork

"God help if you get in my way"
-Invoke when investigation is being obstructed by someone/thing
-Compell for when she snaps at the wrong guy

"Tiny but Fierce"
-Invoke against intimidation attempts
-Compell for when she needs to proove a point

"Married to the job"
-Invoke to help with research using Police Resources
-Compell when her job is a pain in the ass.

« Last Edit: March 29, 2010, 11:43:38 AM by Ihadris »

Offline Archmage_Cowl

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Re: Aspectify the Main Characters
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2010, 04:04:24 PM »
let me toss some in but because it seems that good characters are the only ones that ever get done are these threads i'm gonna try some bad characters
"Lets all be reasonable"
-invoke to gain bonus's on social combat to cohere people into helping you
-compel he easily gets angry when people refuse him.
"Like a shark"
-invoke to gain bonus's on intimidation of opponents or anyone who may see him as a threat
-Compel he is always intimidating.

"I'm a fan of creepy wizards"
-invoke to gain a bonus on anything wizardly and creepy i guess. lol
-Compel he is automaticly creepy and obviously wizardly.
"major league wizard"
-Invoke to gain bonus's on anything magic related
-compel his power is so great he has an aura of power that is easily detectable by anyone who knows about it.

Thats all i got at the moment but ill post more if i can come up with some.
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