Hey, Jim!
Just missed you live on BBB this afternoon. I got home from work an hour after you wrapped up, with questions still burning in my head.
You have no idea how much of a pain it was for me to get back onto your site, when my old account --LogicMouse-- got all messed up, but I set up a new e-mail just for you, you bastard, so I hope you answer at least one of my questions, even if it's only with your sing-song-y tag line.
So anyway, on with the questions.
1: Who do you think you're kidding? I mean
After the hit he took in the Erlking's hall and walked away without a scratch, you seriously expect anyone to believe that one measly little bullet will take Knight Harry down?
2: What happened to the migranes? You made a big deal of them having gone on for ~six months at the beginning of Turn Coat, but there's not a word on the subject in Changes. Did it just fall off the edge of your plate, or was the omission deliberate for some reason?
(and oh, yeah--first post, sorta!)
P.S. And no, folks, Jim can't be a Skavis--if he was why would he work so hard to make us HAPPY!?! I swear, even when tears are streaming down my face, I'm still grinning so hard my cheeks hurt. Thanks, JB!