On the power of a name (This question have been up before, but I did not find an answer to it):
Can you gain power over someone by giving them a name?
That knowing someone's name gives you power over them is pretty well established, but how much power do you get over someone by giving them a name? Wether it be their full, "real" name like a parent naming their child, or a nickname that the person starts to identify themselves with. Is there a difference?
Harry calls Bob back from being creepy Kemler secretary to being nice, albeit pervy, Harry secretary by reminding him of the name Harry gave him. This implies that it should grant you some measure of power, even if he might not be able to force Bob into doing something only using that name it clearly touched him, reached him, in a significant way.
Is it different for beings of a more "spiritual inclination" than humans? They do not change their names as humans do, are they also more sensitive to given names than humans? Or less? Titles seems more important to them, for example you can call upon Mab by naming her the "Queen of Air and Darkness".
What about the Archive, where on the scale does she fit? She got her name, her only name as far as we know, from Harry. But she is human. Not that I think Harry would do anything with it (not that I think he could either, considering the amount of power she has, but let's say we take that imbalance away), but if he wanted to, could he then? Could he conjure her by it for example? Or do anything along the lines of what that dragon did at Bianca's masquerade?