And Baltimore it is.
First impressions:
LOVE the layout. At first I thought it was going to look a little too crowded or "busy" but the two-column format breaks the page down into easy to digest format. The snark-sniping between Harry, Bob, and Billy is both informative and vastly entertaining. Reminds me a great deal of the show-quote format in the Buffy and Angel RPG's, with a little levity to break up the rules and writing.
As are the add-on post-it notes and margin scrawls. Neat way of making side and foot notes without actually... well ya' know, using them.
1a: Stat layouts are perfect. Clean, brief, and informative. Exactly what they
should be.
2: This IS the way a setting should be made. The town, the characters, the supporting characters, all in a easy-to-reference style. Easily one of the best "You can run it with just this" examples I've ever seen in a RPG.
3: My only bad point: Concerning the full game, this seems like it's gonna be a
monster PDF to print out. Even at work (a local unnamed office supply store) I see a huge load and print time. (Any chance of an easy-to-print format, or too late in the process?)
More to come later, but I wanted to post my first impressions.
Kudos all around Gang! Fantastic Job!
Now to go tell all the "never gonna see the light of day" crowd to go stuff it.

(Edited for clairity and removed a somewhat silly question.)