Author Topic: anyone tried....? ideas and other systems to adapt to the Dresdenverse.  (Read 13258 times)

Offline finarvyn

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Re: anyone tried....? ideas and other systems to adapt to the Dresdenverse.
« Reply #30 on: January 13, 2010, 02:56:11 PM »
I think that the key is this: most rules systems can be used for most settings if you are willing to accept the way those rules work, so pick the one you're most comfortable with.

I've done DF with Amber Diceless, [/b]OD&D[/b] (house ruled for modern era), Unisystem (Buffy) and so on. All of these games were a lot of fun.
Marv / Finarvyn
Greater Warden of Chicago
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Offline Ancalagon

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Re: anyone tried....? ideas and other systems to adapt to the Dresdenverse.
« Reply #31 on: February 07, 2010, 03:59:46 AM »
I'm familiar with the Hero system, and it could work for the setting quite well.  However, I shudder at the amount of work involved... I would play in it, but I would never ever run one.

As a game-master, I'm very fond of the Warhammer FRGP system (2nd ed).  I'm sure I could make it work... :D 

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Offline Damian Magecraft

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White Wolfs Mage:Ascension (old World of Darkness)
and their New World of Darkness would work as well (with minimal tweaking).
As a matter of fact Mage's magic system is designed around a more free form method similar to the Dresdenverse's evocation rules.

Offline Flegetanis

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I have an old Call of Cthulhu supplement called "Golden Dawn" (published by Pagan Publishing, not Chaosium), which gave an interesting twist on Victorian Era CoC gaming. I had adapted it for a Modern Era campaign some years back, and totally intend to adapt it to a Dresden Files campaign, in turn (or vice versa).

As a number of Golden Dawn groups are still in existence in many - if not most - urban areas (definitely in Chicago & Baltimore), as well as a number of other occult fraternities & initiatory societies (many of which adhere, to varying degrees, to the Golden Dawn system & curriculum), I'm posting the following link as a potential resource -- as I see that copies of the original supplement are fetching quite a price:
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