Author Topic: Lets all try to be a little more original  (Read 11705 times)

Offline srl51676

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Re: Lets all try to be a little more original
« Reply #30 on: March 26, 2010, 10:22:57 PM »
So as promised my next post here is two of my own character ideas that I have been working on. Name: David Allan Ward Jr.
High Concept: Cop & Reluctant Hydromancer  (may be reworked as a fireman since we have cop)
Trouble: Sins of the Father
Quote: Never call me David! Its Allan....or Officer Ward to you!

Event one: Grew up the son of a wizard  (David Sr.) who he idolized. Until he was convicted by the White Council of killing his wife (Officer Cathy Ward) and her lover (Detective Gary Paterson) in a jealous rage by burning down the house. David Jr. (16) barely escaped and was badly burned.
Aspect: Fire Bad!
Event Two: After being fostered by Rev. John Hay and his wife Linda David Jr, now Allan, swore off magic and devoted himself to school and church for the next two years.  After graduation he followed in his foster father footsteps and joined the Marine Corps. After four years service including action in Afghanistan he returned to Spokane and joined the police force.   
Aspect: To Protect and Serve
First Adventure: Trial By fire
As the son of a cop killer Allan Ward knew he would never rise in the ranks  but he did not join the force for glory or promotions. He joined the force to protect regular people from criminals like his father who magic or no was nothing more than another perp.  but he never expected politics to force him in to Special investigations home of the loonies and the losers. But when a string of petty vandalism turns to deadly arson Alan Ward will face his trial by fire.
Aspect: Hang in there! I'm coming!

another less developed idea

Name: Adam Summerset Duke of Undertown
High Concept:  Homeless wizard
Trouble: Raised by Winter
Quote:  "I'd rather stand in the gutter than kneel in your palace!"

I have not fleshed out events for this guy yet but he uses the Spirited Away and Magical MacGyver aspects from the aspect forum. He was stolen as a child and raised at the Winter Court upon his escape he was cursed to always live in squalor and madness in the mortal world. He willingly contends with poverty and voices to keep his freedom.   As a well trained wizard he has become a leader and protector to the homeless community .

Both of them have issues and I think fit well into the noir world but I hope avoid the types I was talking about. Feel free to critique or offer advise or ideas.

@Cajun Guy read Campbell 8 years ago as part of my philosophy degree he has some interesting things to say and his influence on Lucas reinterpretation of the Christ myth with Star Wars is interesting. I have been meaning to see The Hidden Fortress as well. I am aware that there are a limited number of stories but you must be aware that there are more than three. Again my tone may have been cutting (I apologize) but my intent was to encourage creativity beyond the three most common stories that we see in RPG characters. I have gamed weekly for the last 10 years with a great guy who always plays the lone wolf character and we all rib him about it but he plays it well so its cool. I am not saying never play these characters just that it is better if we all stretch a little once in a while.

So here is what I have so far. to quote you Cajun Guy "instead of being the critic on the sideline try making your own character and have fun. It is a little harder than standing in the peanut gallery throwing stones but the rewards are much greater." Show us what you've got too.
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Offline Cajun Guy

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Re: Lets all try to be a little more original
« Reply #31 on: March 26, 2010, 11:15:39 PM »
Show us what you got. See the asian game thread I already did . It may not be the greatest but it is a character I like and want to play. It doesn't fall neatly into your slots as far as I am concerned. you have to remember that the internet isn't the best for relaying subtle nuances. Plus, the game mechanic alone forces you to use some cliches to create a character. It is not  only encouraged but the system forces the player to do it. Once again it is about having fun. These elements you complain of are great in helping a GM create story hooks.

What bothered me about your message was not the tone, which I understand is difficult to convey properly online. What bothered me was that it comes across as arrogant of you to appoint yourself minister of what is good and original. A skilled writer can take a cliched premise and turn it into something special.. JB has done it quite a bit.  Everyone has their own opinion which is valuable, YMMV.

My group and  I started playing in 1981 and still do albeit online as we all grew up and moved away. I and several of my group have been published in games and we even got playtesting credit for a few games. Our regular GM moved to Atlanta and helped write for the WW which was and still is some of the most creative stuff in gaming (although not near as good since they sold the company). So, I know of what I am speaking. After a while you start to realize the purpose is to have fun.

I understand what you are doing, but it smacks of gamer snobbery, and nerds like us don't make good snobs ;) . In short let folks have fun and quit raining on other folks parade.

What is cliched and hackneyed to you may be new and wonderful for someone who is just starting out. Criticism like you are trying to lay might hurt someone with potential that is just starting out. Worry about your own house and let others take care of theirs. Lead by example. If you keep writing good stuff it will encourage others to try.


Offline mrsleep

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Re: Lets all try to be a little more original
« Reply #32 on: March 27, 2010, 01:40:30 AM »
Was thinking on your restrictions and came up with an oddball character.


I thought it would be fun to have a character that was based on the concept of reincarnation, only he didn't start out this life with a clean slate.  End result: 10 yr old kid with old man memories.  I figured his last life would have been about world war II era, and I've been toying with the idea of him as a mechanic or pilot.

It'd be a bit of a stretch to include something this off the wall in a Dresden game but it' work well in a SOTC run.

Offline Ihadris

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Re: Lets all try to be a little more original
« Reply #33 on: March 27, 2010, 04:02:03 AM »
It'd be a bit of a stretch to include something this off the wall in a Dresden game but it' work well in a SOTC run.

I dont think its such a stretch. After all
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Offline chadu

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Re: Lets all try to be a little more original
« Reply #34 on: March 28, 2010, 07:09:43 PM »
Inspired by a thread in Spoilers...

Captain Jack Parrot
TEMPLATE: Changeling* + Were-Form** [looks like -8, so Chest-Deep or Submerged Power level]
HIGH CONCEPT: Goblin-Blooded Wereparrot Pirate
TROUBLE: Man Out of Time
WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?: English Privateer during Queen Anne's War. [I'm a Pirate!]
WHAT SHAPED YOU?: Discovery of non-human parentage. [I'm Not Quite Human]
WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST ADVENTURE?: Conflict with Edward Teach. [I Made Blackbeard Cry]
WHOSE PATH HAVE I CROSSED?: Guilliaume d'Morne, Merlin of the White Council, who threw me into the future. [Wizards are JERKS!]
WHO ELSE'S PATH HAVE I CROSSED?: Donald Morgan, Warden of the White Council. [This Future is Lame]

A pirate, of goblin blood (thus, a Changeling), wreaked extravagant havoc during Queen Anne's War (including a face-off with Blackbeard!). He learned his shape-changing from another wereparrot. After a bloody conflict, the Merlin of the time decided to transport him to the future -- because he was too hard to kill!

* Changeling Package: Inhuman Recovery [-2]; Inhuman Speed [-2]; Inhuman Strength [-2]; total = [-6].
** Were-Form Package: ŠŠ Beast Change [–1]; Š Echoes of the Beast [–1]; Human Form [+1]; Diminutive Size [–1]; Wings [–1]; total = [-2].

Chad Underkoffler
Atomic Sock Monkey Press

Offline Saedar

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Re: Lets all try to be a little more original
« Reply #35 on: March 29, 2010, 03:17:16 AM »
That looks fun! I am curious how he made Blackbeard cry!  ;)

Out of curiosity, shouldn't you have a "Catch" for Cold Iron on your changeling side and it looks like your wereform refresh cost should be -3, rather than -2.

Offline kytanos

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Re: Lets all try to be a little more original
« Reply #36 on: March 29, 2010, 03:44:29 AM »
That looks fun! I am curious how he made Blackbeard cry!  ;)

Out of curiosity, shouldn't you have a "Catch" for Cold Iron on your changeling side and it looks like your wereform refresh cost should be -3, rather than -2.

dont disadvantages Give you points? Atleast that's what I saw in the baltimore book, things like "catch: faerie crap. +2"

Offline Deadmanwalking

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Re: Lets all try to be a little more original
« Reply #37 on: March 29, 2010, 04:00:30 AM »
dont disadvantages Give you points? Atleast that's what I saw in the baltimore book, things like "catch: faerie crap. +2"

Absolutely! But of the listed things, only Human Form is a disadvantage. Making the Were-Form total out at -3. Unless we're missing something, of course.

Offline chadu

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Re: Lets all try to be a little more original
« Reply #38 on: March 29, 2010, 01:18:10 PM »
Absolutely! But of the listed things, only Human Form is a disadvantage. Making the Were-Form total out at -3. Unless we're missing something, of course.

I think you're missing that Chad is crap at math. ;)
Chad Underkoffler
Atomic Sock Monkey Press

Offline Saedar

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Re: Lets all try to be a little more original
« Reply #39 on: March 29, 2010, 07:41:53 PM »
I think you're missing that Chad is crap at math. ;)

Ha! No problem. Just trying to get a feel for things.

Offline The Codex

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Re: Lets all try to be a little more original
« Reply #40 on: March 30, 2010, 03:09:13 PM »
I have an Idea for a character but not sure if it is entirely workable.....

Edward Gales,
Descendant of Sir John de Galeis, illegitimate  son of the Edward the Black Prince.....

What sorts of aspects would be suitable for a knight of the cross potential? (they are all decendants of Kings and the black prince was in line for the throne)

“Chivalry is in my blood”

With the exception of the sword there is no ‘specific power that the knights have, even Sanya states he is an atheist

I don't see him as a Lone wolf type at all, actually as a decendant of Royality possibly a leader of men, also a warrior and smart. (sort of a Robin Hoodesk, leading his men and working with them not dresden style, going it alone)

Anyway any thoughts would be usefull as I am struggling

PS this is my first post so please help the newbie  ;D

Offline srl51676

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Re: Lets all try to be a little more original
« Reply #41 on: March 30, 2010, 04:49:39 PM »
The idea that he is from an illegitimate line is interesting as well as the Robin-hood idea. The first idea that comes to mind is a benevolent rogue type like Robin-hood who leads a modern band of thieves something like the BBC series Hustle (later remade for the US as, the vastly inferior, Leverage) you would be to the Knights of The Cross as Robin Hood was to regular knights working for a chivalrous purpose but with fewer restrictions on your behavior. Perhaps you steal relics back from greedy or evil individuals. I was considering adapting Anna Valmont from Death Mask for my wife in a similar way. She would be a redeemed thief now working for the church against the Denarians. This is just my quick take on the idea good luck and welcome to the boards.
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