Show us what you got. See the asian game thread I already did . It may not be the greatest but it is a character I like and want to play. It doesn't fall neatly into your slots as far as I am concerned. you have to remember that the internet isn't the best for relaying subtle nuances. Plus, the game mechanic alone forces you to use some cliches to create a character. It is not only encouraged but the system forces the player to do it. Once again it is about having fun. These elements you complain of are great in helping a GM create story hooks.
What bothered me about your message was not the tone, which I understand is difficult to convey properly online. What bothered me was that it comes across as arrogant of you to appoint yourself minister of what is good and original. A skilled writer can take a cliched premise and turn it into something special.. JB has done it quite a bit. Everyone has their own opinion which is valuable, YMMV.
My group and I started playing in 1981 and still do albeit online as we all grew up and moved away. I and several of my group have been published in games and we even got playtesting credit for a few games. Our regular GM moved to Atlanta and helped write for the WW which was and still is some of the most creative stuff in gaming (although not near as good since they sold the company). So, I know of what I am speaking. After a while you start to realize the purpose is to have fun.
I understand what you are doing, but it smacks of gamer snobbery, and nerds like us don't make good snobs

. In short let folks have fun and quit raining on other folks parade.
What is cliched and hackneyed to you may be new and wonderful for someone who is just starting out. Criticism like you are trying to lay might hurt someone with potential that is just starting out. Worry about your own house and let others take care of theirs. Lead by example. If you keep writing good stuff it will encourage others to try.