Author Topic: Hi All! And I brought gifts!  (Read 3685 times)

Offline SavageMage

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Hi All! And I brought gifts!
« on: March 01, 2010, 10:45:49 PM »
Long Time lurker, first time poster.  ::)

I wanted to share some things that I've put together for our current House-Rule Dresden game until the real thing comes out. Hope you enjoy.
-You'll notice I used a font design similar to that of the TV Show as I designed this before the new Artwork released. oh well :)
-The Zone Diagram I've had for a while. I've used a version of it since I started playing SotC to help with abstraction of ranges. The new bit is the ritual circle and the ritual target.
-The Character Sheet is of course based off of the one Fred posted. We've made some house rules based off of a judicious study of a lot of the playtest notes we've seen out there. Still, some of it we've had to just say, "hmmm, pretty."

Oh, and I'm praying for an April Pre-release. One of my players is so excited he's about to suffer from a nervous breakdown.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2010, 10:48:04 PM by TheSavageMage »

Offline traeki

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Re: Hi All! And I brought gifts!
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2010, 11:14:13 PM »
Nice stuff, Savage.

I don't really get how the zone diagram works/what it's for, though.  Can you explain that a bit more?  I understand the Fists/Weapons/Guns thing on the side, there, but I don't really know what the giant diagram on the left is about, or how the Ritual thing on the Legend is being incorporated (other than the fact that the symbol is on the center of the "bullseye"
John Hawkins, SF, CA

"mFphrrrbm hoAmn rggh, hnllmmgh rnbnrrl."  --Demosthenes, "The Early Works"

Offline SavageMage

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Re: Hi All! And I brought gifts!
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2010, 11:32:37 PM »
Ok, to make it simple, lets start a basic fight between our heroes and some mooks. We use gaming stones to represent our characters and any npcs

each circle represents a zone. if you're in the same circle, you're in zone 0. one circle away, zone 1, etc. All the circles do is to allow for people to spread out across a battle and still make sense of some type of distance.

For instance, Balthazar the wizard, Ferny Green the changeling, and Father Simon have been cornered by some Red Court vampires. Since Father Simon likes to bring the power of God, he rushes in. Zone 0. Ferny holds back a ways and shoots his handgun at Zone 2. Balthazar being a Wizard, throws arcane bolts of power at the vamps from Zone 3.

Father Simon is holding his own, but a couple vamps get past him and rush Ferny. Now Father Simon is still Zone 0 and Ferny is in Zone 0 as well. Balthazar is still Zone 3 from Father Simon's mooks, but Zone 1 away from Ferny's mooks.

I hope that makes sense.

The Ritual Circle and the "bullseye" is more dressing than anything else since there technically isn't a Zone associated with scrying or REALLY long range rituals. I was just trying to fill in some dead space.  ::)  But who knows... DFRPG might have something...

Sorry if there was any confusion on that.  :P

Oh, and one more thing. I used circles simply due to the fact that they are so prominent in the Dresden Files. But you could use anything to separate the zones. We tried using twizzlers once... that didn't work out.   ;D
« Last Edit: March 02, 2010, 12:22:38 AM by TheSavageMage »

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Re: Hi All! And I brought gifts!
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2010, 09:20:29 PM »
Pretty cool stuff, Savage. Thanks for sharing them with us!  :)
Marv / Finarvyn
Greater Warden of Chicago
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