
What sort of campaign would you be interested in (vote as many times as you like)?

Dresden in Asia
12 (38.7%)
Viking Age Historical Campaign
6 (19.4%)
The 17th Century Turned Up to 11
7 (22.6%)
Sword and Sorcery
4 (12.9%)
Other (describe below)
2 (6.5%)

Total Members Voted: 16

Author Topic: [Gauging Interest] Text-based online Dresden RPG game  (Read 10519 times)

Offline svb1972

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Re: [Gauging Interest] Text-based online Dresden RPG game
« Reply #30 on: February 23, 2010, 03:39:24 PM »
So are you settled on Korea?
17th century turned up to 11 sounded really alot of fun.

Offline Bosh

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Re: [Gauging Interest] Text-based online Dresden RPG game
« Reply #31 on: February 24, 2010, 01:48:12 AM »
From the looks of it, about 20 people have voted, so I'm wondering when we'll start seeing other auditions for characters.
Hmmm, maybe. No real need to rush it since the pre-order PDFs won't be available for over a month at the earliest. However, with what we know about the game so far it should be easy to make at least outlines of our characters without the exact rules, so I'll get a recruitment thread posted before the pre-order goes up to get at least the groundwork laid.

So are you settled on Korea?
17th century turned up to 11 sounded really alot of fun.

Looks like Seoul has a solid lead and I'm leaning towards that since I've gotten two solid character write-ups for that setting but nothing really concrete for the other three. I agree that the 17th century game would be exceedingly awesome but for that one I'd need some ideas from potential players since that's the only one of my four options where I don't have a solid idea of what sorts of things the PCs would DO (Seoul = mostly supernatural troubleshooting Viking = squabbling for power within Viking society with a big side order of "you killed my father prepare to die" Sword and Sorcery = go on adventures for gold and glory against evil cults, mad wizards, etc. etc.). If (aside from Seoul getting more interest) what's holding me back on the 17th century option is that I don't have anything concrete to work with as far as what aspect of the 17th century people would be interested in (Musketeers? Pirates? Salem witch trials? 30 years war?), at least as a place to start with.