Author Topic: We can haz quick start rules?  (Read 3088 times)

Offline mime64

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We can haz quick start rules?
« on: February 14, 2010, 02:56:25 PM »
I know this is supposed to vary from the original FATE rules (as Evil Hat completely started over ~2 years ago). Methinks a short a preview in order?

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Re: We can haz quick start rules?
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2010, 06:46:36 PM »
I know this is supposed to vary from the original FATE rules (as Evil Hat completely started over ~2 years ago). Methinks a short a preview in order?
We're totally consumed with working on getting the actual game out the door, and haven't had time for a "quick start". That said, expect us to continue to offer info over on, at a steadily increasing pace as we get closer to preorder and release.
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Re: We can haz quick start rules?
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2010, 07:04:22 PM »
I'd just go with SotC rules as "quick start", knowing that magic won't quite fit. If you look at SotC you'll see that there are some rules at the front of the book and then much of the same material is repeated and expanded with more exhaustive detail. One could think of the first part of the book as QS rules. The basics of SotC and DFRPG will be similar enough that those same rules will work for you, at least for a while.

Looking at "Book 1, Playtester Prototype" rules I note that The Basics is pages 16-22. Here's what I see:
* Things you should have (generic supplies)
* What Are Fudge Dice?
* The Ladder
* Rolling the Dice
* Difficulty
* What's On Your Character sheet (skills, aspects, mortal stunts, supernatural powers)
* FATE points
* Refreshing FATE points
* Earniung new FATE points as you play

So far, pretty standard FATE stuff.

The "What's On Your Character Sheet" section has some example aspects, but otherwise not too much that's secret. In orther words, the obvious QS pages 16-22 wouldn't contain much new information that you can't get from the FATE download and/or buying the SotC rules. The "aspects" material is roughly 20 pages, and that wouldn't be in a QS rules set. Skills are about 25 pages. Stunts & Supernatural Powers another 40+ pages. Magic & Spellcasting another 80 pages. The best that a QS rules set could do is toss a sample couple your way, and that wouldn't comver many of the character options at all.

Just trying to put things in perspective. Go download FATE or buy SotC and "wing it" for a couple months until the final stages are complete....
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