Baseball Player-turned-KinetomancerYou used to be a really crappy pitcher until you found... "The Magic" which is both your talent for Kinetomancy and the name of your resultant 200 mile an hour Fast Ball.
Invoke: Your let loose with, "The Magic"
Compel: A Baseball Player with the Kinetomantic edge is a magnet for accusations of juicing, especially when your magic breaks the testing equipment
The following 2 Aspects were designed for a character that will never see the light of day, Silent Tom, the Hetero-Lifemate of Clay, Demon-Killer and Three-Eye Dealer.
I posted Instrument of God before, but this write up is more fluffy.
Instrument of GodGod chose you to smite the forces of evil... think. Either that or you took a really bad hit.
Invoke: Snoogans! Your divine power kicks evil's ass!
Compel: The lord commands you! think.....
Spirit SwordYou have mastered the Ancient
Jedi Magical art of channeling your spirit energy into sword form. It isn't much, but you always have it. It's a part of your soul....
Invoke: You have access to the Sword for the scene. You may be able to change its shape for more utility such as a crowbar, haligan, axe, hammer, or kusari-gama.
Compel: You're out of juice....Or something.
Animal NecromancerYou just wanted Fluffy back. There goes that idea.... You don't break the 5th law of Magic, you get off on a technicality. Now you have an army of dogs, cats and parakeets that can fight for you.
Invoke: You use your powers for good.
Compel: You ride the line towards breaking the 5th Law.
Displaced Time-TravelerYour best friend was a Chronomancer, until the Wardens cut his head the middle of a ritual. The Wardens say you are an innocent bystander. The Gatekeeper said, "Son, you're on your own..." Now you are stuck in the wrong time and the magic that sent you here has Swiss-cheesed your brain to Hellenic Times and back.
Invoke: You see visions of the possible futures, the past, and all the possibilities in between. For you it's like remembering the notes of a favorite song. When you are in-sync you know what will happen before it happens.
Compel: Entropy is a bitch. So is the butterfly effect. YOU DIDN'T BUILD THE FRACKING RITUAL!
From The Other Side of The GateYou aren't from this reality, or at least your soul isn't.
Invoke: You have pseudo-kooky powers, USE THEM!
Compel: You aren't from this reality. That can make things....difficult.
Resurrected Rite, Came Back WrongYou lucky sumbitch, some genius necromancer resurrected you. But, you came back...wrong. Coming back, your body isn't exactly what it was. Additionally, you saw everything that is, everything that was and everything that will ever be in an instant.
Invoke: You ain't gonna die again! You got powers! You got a second chance!
Compel: True resurrection is rare. Some people want your soul back and others want to poke and prod you. Plus, coming back wrong has mucked things up.
Two-Fisted WardenYou're a Warden of the White Council and you live for your job. You use not one Warden's Sword, but two.
Invoke: You make with the Snicker-Snack!
Compel: Being a Warden is pain sometimes. Two-fisted executions, phone calls and paper work.
Magical MacGuyverYou are an expert at using easy-to-find components for big spells of all kinds.
Invoke: You can rearrange the Cosmos with table salt, chalk and tap water. No one should make you break out the roll of duct tape...
Compel: Your rituals, though ingenious aren't always reliable....