Oh dear, I hope we didn't scare off poor bellmaker.
Glad you liked the almond or macadamia nut suggestion, hatshep.
As for the other - sigh - he'll be back.
Lol! I hope not, too.
Yep, I'm really gonna have to try that. I'm no cook but maybe I can get my sister to cook it for me. She's going to culinary school and loves modifying recipies (and is good at it) so that shouldn't be too hard.

And yes, I'm afraid you're right - Grey Warden's Tom-Cruise-in-DF fixation will, indeed, resurface.
One: Any kind of nut would work with a basic pecan pie recipe. And yes, it was Nommmy 
Two: Ditto on Tom Cruise.
Three: Micheal has always kinda reminded me of my dad, that's why I don't find him sexy. That would be going into Freudian territory and we do NOT want to go there.
Interesting that Michael reminds you of your dad. He sort of does me with mine, too, but not in a creepy way or anything. They say "men marry women who remind them of their mothers" and I think the same thing can somewhat apply to girls as well. Especially if you've had a happy childhood as well as aspire to have a family like the one you had. I adore my younger brothers, babysitting, and kids in general so you can see where my plans are headed. (Actually, I hope to get to be a nurse for a little while first but I'm not banking on it.) Given how compatable my dad was with my mom, who aspired to the same things, then it kind of makes sense that I should be interested in people like my dad. Still, if he is just
too close to the family you had then I can certainly see how it would make him too similar to be sexy. My dad's an engineer and I can't see myself falling for an engineer for that reason. Still, I live a city full of engineers so I could be wrong.