LOL, I love Sam. Unfortunately, Jared was not being interviewed on the carpet with Jim Beaver and Misha Collins when Jensen snuck up on them both and gave them kisses on the cheek. I found this icon somewhere, and since I'm a Dean/Cas shipper (which is so wrong on so many levels but DAMMIT I LOVE IT), I hijacked it and made it mind.
Plussss, it would've been kinda awkward if Jared was in the picture WITH them O.o
A Dean/Cas shipper? Oh, God. At least you're not a "Wincest" shipper. That is just even more wrong on so many more levels, if there is anything more wrong than that. And moving on. I'm decidedly a Sam girl but Dean and Castiel are awesome and oh-so-sexy, too.
It's funny - my sister started out as a Sam girl and me as a Dean girl but I fell head-over-heels for Sam after he went psycic and I found out that he
(for some reason I just found that really,
really, hot) and my sister fell for Dean when he
at the end of season 2. Something has got to be wrong with us that we found that stuff extra sexy but we simply couldn't help it. I'm afraid guys with dark secrets are a major guilty pleasure for me. But I think a lot of girls are like that.