Okay - Like Mark Sheppard for Nicodemus (he even looks like a smarmy @sshole)
Thank you! And thank Bluebeard, too, lol. It was Bluebeard's idea in the first place.
Was thinking that Hayden Panettiere could make a good Murph. . .if she was older (she has even studied martial arts)
Which is why I originally wanted (and still do want, tbh) Sarah Michelle Gellar. She actually is the same age now as Murphy is at the beginning of the books, and she has also studied martial arts (she's a black belt in Taikwondo which, granted, is worlds away from her being a seasoned
aikidōka, but she is a trained martial artist, and once you have the basic discipline down, she wouldn't have much trouble applying the disciplines, albeit in a different way, toward aikido)
A few more new ones:
Sean Blakemore as Sanya
Katee Sackhoff as Charity
Christina Hendricks as Lea
Lindsay Lohan as Maeve (she wouldn't really have to act much)
Sean Blakemore -- Spot on. Wow. I was beginning to despair of ever finding Sanya

This guy looks awesome. He's exactly how I pictured Sanya... But can he do a Russian accent?

Katee Sackhoff -- I've never seen her act. Sorry

Does she look like a woman that builds her husband's weapons, sword fights with him, and used to rebuild motorcycles?

Christina Hendricks -- Holy crap! I can DEFINITELY see this woman as a psychopathic magic-wielding, violent Sidhe!

And Lohan as Maeve? Yeah, why not? She's got the cat-like eyes. Plus, Maeve is pretty much a bloodthirsty horndog. That's, like, Lohan's lifetime achievement.