In a previous thread about who we would cast as various characters in the DF, I suggested that Thomas Raith, to me, is Jason Dohring, who played a more traditional kind of vampire on the TV series
Moonlight. To me, this
is Thomas Raith:

But though I find the casting of Lara far more interesting (for obvious reasons) I never could find someone who fit my mental image well, until it suddenly hit me today that the pop singer Katie Perry gets pretty darned close:

The thing is that to me, Lara should combine
blatantly sexy with subtle and
sweet. I have do doubt whatsover that anytime she feels the impulse, Lara can suddenly make herself seem so sweet and innocent that she'd make Bambi look like Jason Vorhees in comparison. And Katie Perry has a knack for projecting the same
playfulness that I suspect Lara exudes amid her supernatural sex appeal.
Of course the playful sweetness is a lie...but at the same time it's probably an effective lie precisely because it was once real, and maybe a tiny hint of it remains real somewhere deep down inside in that same place where the remnants of her conscience might just still live.
But when I picture Lara, Katie Perry is who plays her in my mind.