Dude, just tell me what you want and I'll help 
Are you still gonna continue the After The Funeral fic? I need something to tide me over until Aftermath, and it was doing a real good job of that!
Yeah, I'm going to continue Funeral (when not working on my novel) gradually between now and Ghost Story. I'm excited to see the similarities between the two

As for the script, I'm thinking of doing things a bit 'out of order' - my ideal Dresden Files series would skip around in the order of the case files, to offer as comprehensive a look at the supernatural world as possible while highlighting the trials and tribulations of Harry and friends. I'd probably skip over Storm Front, as, while a GREAT introductory novel, I don't think that it's got enough of a "hook" to it to succeed financially on a large scale. I think that going straight into Fool Moon and working from there would be a better option, leaving the hints and jabs towards Storm Front as a sort of "Noodle Incident" to pique the viewer's interest for when it is eventually made (later in the series, as a prologue to the rest of the stories).
To that end, I aim to brush up on scriptwriting and the like in the near future before beginning work on a fan's version of it

I've got some great ideas for a film version of "Fool Moon", and if anyone wants to discuss further outside of this Topic, feel free to drop me a PM.