
Who should play Harry Dresden in a Movie?

Zachary Quinto
41 (5.9%)
Lee Pace
26 (3.8%)
Ryan Reynolds
51 (7.4%)
Hugh Jackman
91 (13.2%)
Clive Owen
46 (6.7%)
Paul Bettany
19 (2.8%)
Timothy Olyphant
75 (10.9%)
Nathan Fillion
220 (31.9%)
Joe Flanigan
37 (5.4%)
Chris Evans
7 (1%)
Gerard Butler
22 (3.2%)
Neil Flynn
8 (1.2%)
Jared Padalecki
47 (6.8%)

Total Members Voted: 681

Author Topic: Perfect Casting, part 2  (Read 1521294 times)

Offline Warden John Marcone

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #1065 on: July 12, 2010, 06:43:49 PM »
Erm.. am I the only one that thought Paul Blackthorne was a great Harry?

Nope.  But we're talking the "Perfect" cast.  And while, good, Blackthorne wasn't Perfect.
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Offline MoSeS

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #1066 on: July 12, 2010, 06:54:23 PM »
I'm upset.  I liked 13th Warrior and Sahara, why are they so high up on the list?  That's just bad.

Well it's total cost vs. theater gross I am not sure how they figure in DVD sales. I feel like that would have been one of those movies that a lot of people bought the dvd but probably didn't go to the theater to watch it.

I guess that doesn't make it any less of a BOMB by definition of box office bombs.

*as an after thought I actually like many of the movies on the list. Soldier is actually one of my favorite movies. The Last Castle was good IMO. Ok, so most of them probably deserve to be there. Catwoman...great ideal, poor execution and though Halle Berry is hot, she ain't no Michelle Pfeiffer.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2010, 07:04:17 PM by MoSeS_ »

Offline MoSeS

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #1067 on: July 12, 2010, 07:10:10 PM »
Nope.  But we're talking the "Perfect" cast.  And while, good, Blackthorne wasn't Perfect.

Also, IMO if the were to make a movie series, they should try to get as far away from the show as they can.

I am not saying because the show was bad, but because the storyline is completely different, so much so that even characters names were changed. Like Karrin Murphy was changed to Connie Murphy.

The movie series should be a fresh cast and as close to the books as possible.

However, it wouldn't hurt to cameo Blackthorne just as a tribute to fans of the show. Like maybe he could be one of the cops or something.

The way they cameo Lou Ferrigno in both the Hulk(2003) and Incredible Hulk(2008).
« Last Edit: July 12, 2010, 07:51:01 PM by MoSeS_ »

Offline Warden John Marcone

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #1068 on: July 12, 2010, 08:57:14 PM »
To be fair, we need Terrence Mann in here somewhere.
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Offline Jaeh

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #1069 on: July 12, 2010, 10:44:32 PM »
Erm.. am I the only one that thought Paul Blackthorne was a great Harry?

*raises hand* I'm in it with you, dude.

although, must admit, there are probably better harrys out there. but paul would always be the voice of harry in my head, unless a movie comes out. >.<

karrin's name was changed to connie because there's a real life cop named "karrin" or something close.
DV Jaeh v1.0 YR0.83 FR0.75 BK+ JB TH++ WG+++ CL++ SW BC- ?MC RP FF++- SH[Murphy+++++ Molly-]
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Offline Warden John Marcone

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #1070 on: July 12, 2010, 10:48:00 PM »
Actually, the cop's name was Karyn Murphy, and since there's no written distinction on TV, well,
The moribund equine has been more than sufficiently flagellated.

Offline tiny[but]fierce

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #1071 on: July 12, 2010, 11:44:34 PM »

karrin's name was changed to connie because there's a real life cop named "karrin" or something close.

Was she also a tiny hard-assed white woman that could kill a man with one look? Because that might explain why they cast a Latina in a white woman's role and a white woman in a Latina's role. (I have nothing against Valerie Cruz, in fact, I think she killed the role on the show [killed in this circumstance meaning she made it freaking awesome], but I still don't understand why they switched things around like that.
(click to show/hide)
Murphy: "Maybe you know the monsters, Martin. But I know the guy who stops them."

Dresden: "Don't call me a dinosaur. It isn't fair to the dinosaurs. What did a dinosaur ever do to you?"

Dresden: "Hell's holy stars and freaking stones shit bells."

In Butcher We Trust.

Offline BugEyedEarl

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #1072 on: July 13, 2010, 08:35:44 AM »
Sanya- Idris Elba
Michael- Karl Urban
Nicodemus- Robert Knepper
Morgan- Brendan Gleeson
Murphy- Kristen Bell
Bob- Frank Welker
Injun Joe- Wes Studi
Ebenezar- Sam Elliott
Butters- Patton Oswalt
Bianca- Rachel Nichols
The Merlin- Bill Nighy
Marcone- Andy Garcia
Shiro- Ryo Ishibashi
Kincaid- Adam Baldwin

EDIT: And I didn't even realize someone on page 1 suggested  urban as Michael.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2010, 10:13:12 AM by BugEyedEarl »

Offline Bluebeard

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #1073 on: July 13, 2010, 09:58:43 AM »
I'm liking the suggestion of Kristen Bell as Murphy.

Maybe if she was a bit older, but other then that she's perfect and got the acting skills

Offline BugEyedEarl

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #1074 on: July 13, 2010, 10:11:37 AM »
I'm liking the suggestion of Kristen Bell as Murphy.

Maybe if she was a bit older, but other then that she's perfect and got the acting skills

Sometimes a young age can say a lot about the character the same way an older one can- it says she worked very hard to get where she is now, especially when you take into account politics and sexism in the force.

And I'm no age-ist, but Murphy being referred to as "cute" kind of made me think she was younger than her 30s. I just don't associate that word with people above a certain age.

Offline woody71

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #1075 on: July 13, 2010, 10:17:56 AM »
It's been said several times already, so I'll just throw my vote into the pile and say that I believe that Butters should be played by Zack Gallaphinacas.  The more he ages, the more he becomes Butters to me.

OMG!  Brilliant...I'll never seen Butters as anyone else now!  Well played.

Offline MoSeS

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #1076 on: July 13, 2010, 01:53:10 PM »
Sanya- Idris Elba
Michael- Karl Urban
Nicodemus- Robert Knepper
Morgan- Brendan Gleeson
Murphy- Kristen Bell
Bob- Frank Welker
Injun Joe- Wes Studi
Ebenezar- Sam Elliott
Butters- Patton Oswalt
Bianca- Rachel Nichols
The Merlin- Bill Nighy
Marcone- Andy Garcia
Shiro- Ryo Ishibashi
Kincaid- Adam Baldwin

EDIT: And I didn't even realize someone on page 1 suggested  urban as Michael.

Sanya- Idris Elba. Yes but I would still say Djimon Hounsou 1st because his role in Gladiator
Michael- Karl Urban(Eomer). eh, I think Sean Bean(Boromir) or Viggo Mortensen(Aragorn) are how I picture Michael
* ha, I just realized all 3 of them were in LOTR.
Nicodemus- Robert Knepper. YES! He is good in Heroes. But for big budget I would say Gary Oldman.
Morgan- Brendan Gleeson. "Mad-Eye" Moody...not bad. I still think Stephen Lang fits better.
Murphy- Kristen Bell. I am glad people agree with me on this.
Bob- Frank Welker....Megatron? which voice role did you have in mind.
Injun Joe- Wes Studi. YES!!!!!!!! That was my choice too.
Ebenezar- Sam Elliott... I love Sam Elliot, but for me he would be 3rd to Tommy Lee Jones and Rip Torn.
Butters- Patton Oswalt, good one, I didn't consider him. But I stand by my choice, Justin Long.
Bianca- Rachel Nichols. Good choice. I don't have a better one, except I think Mila Kunis might could pull it off.
The Merlin- Bill Nighy. Perfert!! Nighy was my original choice for Nic but he is too old.
Marcone- Andy Garcia.... :-\ I don't see Marcone as any kind of ethnic. I agree with Ray Wise or Adrian Pasadar.
Shiro- Ryo Ishibashi. Good one. Or the dad on Heroes maybe. George Takei/Mr. Sulu.
Kincaid- Adam Baldwin. Sorry but NO! It's Alexander Skarsgard.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2010, 02:36:23 PM by MoSeS_ »

Offline miketh

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #1077 on: July 13, 2010, 02:06:31 PM »
So I'm considering writing a "fan's script" of several DF casebooks, with tentative actors, producers, musical scorers, etc etc for each and posting them in the fanfiction section of the site.  Would anyone be against that, or like to collaborate? :P

Offline tiny[but]fierce

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #1078 on: July 13, 2010, 02:34:56 PM »
So I'm considering writing a "fan's script" of several DF casebooks, with tentative actors, producers, musical scorers, etc etc for each and posting them in the fanfiction section of the site.  Would anyone be against that, or like to collaborate? :P

Dude, just tell me what you want and I'll help :)

Are you still gonna continue the After The Funeral fic? I need something to tide me over until Aftermath, and it was doing a real good job of that!

(The Dark And Stormy Knights Anthology is coming out next Tuesday!!!!!)
Murphy: "Maybe you know the monsters, Martin. But I know the guy who stops them."

Dresden: "Don't call me a dinosaur. It isn't fair to the dinosaurs. What did a dinosaur ever do to you?"

Dresden: "Hell's holy stars and freaking stones shit bells."

In Butcher We Trust.

Offline MoSeS

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #1079 on: July 13, 2010, 02:53:39 PM »
It's been said several times already, so I'll just throw my vote into the pile and say that I believe that Butters should be played by Zack Gallaphinacas.  The more he ages, the more he becomes Butters to me.

OMG!  Brilliant...I'll never seen Butters as anyone else now!  Well played.

I could not disagree more. I think people choose Zach Galifianakis because of the guy who played Butters in the TV show. Zach Galifianakis is Greek btw, I point this out because Butters is Jewish.

Anyways. My first two choices were a little too old but my 3rd choice is dead on.
Steve Buscemi, Paul Reubens, Justin Long

Description of Butters:
From Dead Beat:

"Screw up my life?" He stared a me for a second and then said, deadpan, "I'm a five-foot-three, thirty-seven-year-old, single, Jewish medical examiner who needs to pick up his lederhosen from the dry cleaners so that he can play in a one-man polka band at Oktoberfest tomorrow." He pushed up his glasses with his forefinger, folded his arms, and said, "Do your worst."

From White Night:

Butters was an odd little duck. He wasn’t much taller than Murphy, and she probably had more muscle than he did. His shock of black hair resembled nothing so much as an explosion in a steel wool factory. He was all knees and elbows, especially in the surgical greens he was wearing, his face was lean and angular, his nose beaky, and his eyes were bright behind the prescription glasses.

Don't get me wrong I love Zach Galifianakis, but he isn't scrawny at all. His face isn't lean or angular at all.
I also don't think Zack could pull off the cowardly screeching parts either.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2010, 03:11:59 PM by MoSeS_ »