
Who should play Harry Dresden in a Movie?

Zachary Quinto
41 (5.9%)
Lee Pace
26 (3.8%)
Ryan Reynolds
51 (7.4%)
Hugh Jackman
91 (13.2%)
Clive Owen
46 (6.7%)
Paul Bettany
19 (2.8%)
Timothy Olyphant
75 (10.9%)
Nathan Fillion
220 (31.9%)
Joe Flanigan
37 (5.4%)
Chris Evans
7 (1%)
Gerard Butler
22 (3.2%)
Neil Flynn
8 (1.2%)
Jared Padalecki
47 (6.8%)

Total Members Voted: 681

Author Topic: Perfect Casting, part 2  (Read 1521223 times)

Offline telkesh

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #1035 on: July 10, 2010, 07:51:51 PM »
:o >:( Words cannot...  I... >:(  Can I shoot you now?

I just thought of the  words to describe this idea.  HELL! NO!  Toot toot is WAY too cool for you to do that to him!

Is your problem with the actor himself, or with the most recent character he's played? I think if he were given a chance to play sometihng with more depth thana  piece of string he might actually enjoy the roll. you've got to remember that even the actor dislikes the character he plays.
I think that is awesome. And toot-toot is much manlier than edward. I'd love to see twilight fangirls/moms cry for him ;D

Offline Warden John Marcone

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #1036 on: July 10, 2010, 10:21:42 PM »
you've got to remember that even the actor dislikes the character he plays.
I think that is awesome. And toot-toot is much manlier than edward. I'd love to see twilight fangirls/moms cry for him ;D

He does?  KEWL!  Yes, my objection is DEFINITELY the character, as I haven't seen much of the actor (Besides HP and TL).

And in other news I heartily agree on Christian Kane for Kincaid and Mark Sheppard as Nic.
The moribund equine has been more than sufficiently flagellated.

Offline tiny[but]fierce

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #1037 on: July 10, 2010, 10:53:55 PM »
He does?  KEWL!  Yes, my objection is DEFINITELY the character, as I haven't seen much of the actor (Besides HP and TL).

Personally, I think your objection should be with the author, since she's the one that created the character in the first place. Blech. An embarrassment for all vampire and werewolf kind. Dracula, Spike, Oz and Billy would be rolling over in their graves. If they had them.

And in other news I heartily agree on Christian Kane for Kincaid and Mark Sheppard as Nic.

Murphy: "Maybe you know the monsters, Martin. But I know the guy who stops them."

Dresden: "Don't call me a dinosaur. It isn't fair to the dinosaurs. What did a dinosaur ever do to you?"

Dresden: "Hell's holy stars and freaking stones shit bells."

In Butcher We Trust.

Offline Warden John Marcone

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #1038 on: July 10, 2010, 11:00:25 PM »
Personally, I think your objection should be with the author, since she's the one that created the character in the first place. Blech. An embarrassment for all vampire and werewolf kind. Dracula, Spike, Oz and Billy would be rolling over in their graves. If they had them.

Don't forget Lawrence Talbot and Count Orlock.
The moribund equine has been more than sufficiently flagellated.

Offline tiny[but]fierce

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #1039 on: July 11, 2010, 12:27:14 AM »
Don't forget Lawrence Talbot and Count Orlock.

Verrrrry true!
Murphy: "Maybe you know the monsters, Martin. But I know the guy who stops them."

Dresden: "Don't call me a dinosaur. It isn't fair to the dinosaurs. What did a dinosaur ever do to you?"

Dresden: "Hell's holy stars and freaking stones shit bells."

In Butcher We Trust.

Offline Sihnon

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #1040 on: July 12, 2010, 02:04:11 PM »

antonio banderas - gatekeeper

No.  Why?  Because he's not Arab/Middle Eastern.  Yes, yes, I know he played one in "The 13th Warrior", but personally I think it's extremely tacky when American actors or International popular actors (in Antonio's case) to play roles to draw crowds.  Rashid is Middle Eastern and I think that casting the correct ethnicity -- there are plenty of very good Arab/Middle Eastern actors out there that can play The Gatekeeper. 

Oded Fehr is Israeli, but at least has the look I think of Rashid (he's pretty tall 6'2)

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Offline MoSeS

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #1041 on: July 12, 2010, 02:59:40 PM »
No.  Why?  Because he's not Arab/Middle Eastern.  Yes, yes, I know he played one in "The 13th Warrior", but personally I think it's extremely tacky when American actors or International popular actors (in Antonio's case) to play roles to draw crowds.  Rashid is Middle Eastern and I think that casting the correct ethnicity -- there are plenty of very good Arab/Middle Eastern actors out there that can play The Gatekeeper.  

Oded Fehr is Israeli, but at least has the look I think of Rashid (he's pretty tall 6'2)

Funny you should mention that because Antonio Banderas also played Armand the Vampire in Interview with the Vampire. And Armand is suppose to be a 15 year old Russian boy with blond curly hair.

Although I did seriously consider Antonio Banderas for Don Paolo Ortega, or possibly the Red King.

BTW I think I was the first to call Oded Fehr FTW. :P
« Last Edit: July 12, 2010, 03:03:24 PM by MoSeS_ »

Offline tiny[but]fierce

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #1042 on: July 12, 2010, 03:16:22 PM »
No.  Why?  Because he's not Arab/Middle Eastern.  Yes, yes, I know he played one in "The 13th Warrior", but personally I think it's extremely tacky when American actors or International popular actors (in Antonio's case) to play roles to draw crowds.  Rashid is Middle Eastern and I think that casting the correct ethnicity -- there are plenty of very good Arab/Middle Eastern actors out there that can play The Gatekeeper. 

We are agreed. As probably the only Arab/Middle Eastern character in the books (*coughhintcoughJimcough*), and as an Arab/Middle Eastern girl myself, I refuse to accept any other actor in the role. This entire Racebending thing over the Last Airbender movie has really got me thinking, and it's pushed me to the point that I realize, hey -- you know, there's really not all that many Middle Eastern or Arabic actors in American movies, nor are they generally portrayed as such if there are, and that's really kind of annoying. If a person is listed as a certain ethnicity, then they should be portrayed by someone of the same ethnicity.

And as a person of the same ethnicity, I want Rashid played by a Middle Eastern actor. Dammit.  :P

Sorry to all Antonio Banderas fans.

Oded Fehr is Israeli, but at least has the look I think of Rashid (he's pretty tall 6'2)

Shaun Toub was recently brought to my attention as an actor, and he's Iranian/Jewish. I have no idea how tall he is, and though I originally did want Oded Fehr in this role (he's Israeli, yes, but he was born in the country, and the country is generally considered to be a part of the Middle East since it's right freaking there), I kind of get the sense that Fehr may actually be too young for the role :-\ Is that possible? Does anyone else think that?

Shaun Toub is actually very good at playing the older, wizened character role. Unfortunately, he's the sort of person that is of that indeterminate age, mainly because he won't SAY how old he is. (Maybe I'm not searching it right.)

By the way, he's also one of those actors that have been all over the place, like Ray Wise and Mark Sheppard. I just looked at his IMDB resume :) Anyway, he's my pick for Rashid.
Murphy: "Maybe you know the monsters, Martin. But I know the guy who stops them."

Dresden: "Don't call me a dinosaur. It isn't fair to the dinosaurs. What did a dinosaur ever do to you?"

Dresden: "Hell's holy stars and freaking stones shit bells."

In Butcher We Trust.

Offline tiny[but]fierce

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #1043 on: July 12, 2010, 03:21:23 PM »
Funny you should mention that because Antonio Banderas also played Armand the Vampire in Interview with the Vampire. And Armand is suppose to be a 15 year old Russian boy with blond curly hair.

Although I did seriously consider Antonio Banderas for Don Paolo Ortega, or possibly the Red King.

BTW I think I was the first to call Oded Fehr FTW. :P

Actually, MoSeS_, I was, so haha :P :)

No, seriously, I was.

The Gatekeeper-Ghassan Massoud
(I'm actually very curious about this man. I have never seen him act, but I'm already partially biased because he was born in my mother and father's hometown/country. Another choice would be Oded Fehr. He played Ardeth Bay in the Mummy movies, and Zankou on the 7th season of Charmed.)

« Last Edit: July 12, 2010, 03:23:57 PM by tiny[but]fierce »
Murphy: "Maybe you know the monsters, Martin. But I know the guy who stops them."

Dresden: "Don't call me a dinosaur. It isn't fair to the dinosaurs. What did a dinosaur ever do to you?"

Dresden: "Hell's holy stars and freaking stones shit bells."

In Butcher We Trust.

Offline MoSeS

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #1044 on: July 12, 2010, 03:32:50 PM »
Someone mentioned Elisabeth Rohm for Murphy. I think she definitely fits the attitude.

To me Kristen Bell sort of has the look I imagine for Murphy, cute cheerleader look, but Bell is only 29, and I think Murphy is in her mid to late 30's at the begining of the series.

Shaun Toub.....Awesome! This guy looks like the middle eastern version of cross between Jean Reno & Ben Kingsley. Ha! Just in that picture though.

I actually only remember him from Iron Man though. I haven't really seen much else with him.

I still kind of learn toward Oded though because I think the Gatekeeper should be taller and menacing, and I think Oded can pull off the menacing part better than Toub.

But that's just my opinion because Toub was such the nice guy in Iron Man.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2010, 03:34:54 PM by MoSeS_ »

Offline MoSeS

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #1045 on: July 12, 2010, 03:43:06 PM »
Actually, MoSeS_, I was, so haha :P :)

No, seriously, I was.

Actually someone beat us both to that idea a long time ago.

Quote from: The Corvidian
Re: DF: Perfect Casting
« Reply #268 on: April 14, 2008, 11:56:23 AM »  

Oded Fehr as the Gatekeeper. He played aleader of the Medjai in the first two Mummy movies, and Olivera in the last two Resident Evil movies.

I also see you had Wes Studi as LTW also. I also came to that same conclusion.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2010, 03:51:05 PM by MoSeS_ »

Offline tiny[but]fierce

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #1046 on: July 12, 2010, 04:01:48 PM »
Someone mentioned Elisabeth Rohm for Murphy. I think she definitely fits the attitude.

I dunno who originally mentioned it, but apparently I took up the cause, because that's who is on my icon :) For me, it's either Elisabeth, or SMG, and if they choose Elisabeth, then Harry needs to either be wearing lifts, or 8 feet tall. :-\

I still kind of learn toward Oded though because I think the Gatekeeper should be taller and menacing, and I think Oded can pull off the menacing part better than Toub.

This is from the set of The Last Airbender. It also might be more convincing if he weren't sitting in a make up chair and playing with his cell phone, lol.
Murphy: "Maybe you know the monsters, Martin. But I know the guy who stops them."

Dresden: "Don't call me a dinosaur. It isn't fair to the dinosaurs. What did a dinosaur ever do to you?"

Dresden: "Hell's holy stars and freaking stones shit bells."

In Butcher We Trust.

Offline Sihnon

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #1047 on: July 12, 2010, 04:04:14 PM »

This is from the set of The Last Airbender. It also might be more convincing if he weren't sitting in a make up chair and playing with his cell phone, lol.

LOL!  I love it!
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Offline MoSeS

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #1048 on: July 12, 2010, 04:04:27 PM »
:o >:( Words cannot...  I... >:(  Can I shoot you now?

I just thought of the  words to describe this idea.  HELL! NO!  Toot toot is WAY too cool for you to do that to him!

<-- Just a little bit outraged.

Your'e right though Toot-Toot is a way cooler character than Edward Cullen. I am a little bit outraged at myself now that I think about it.  >:(

I don't really have a problem with this actor, I just not a fan of Twilight......well sort of.

I don't really want to get off topic since this isn't the "Twilight thread" but I actually read all the books before the movies came out, and I have to say the story arc and characters aren't that bad, it's really just the dialogue that is targeted at emotional teenage girls.

Granted much of the character developement borrows from previous vampire novels like Anne Rice, unique dark gifts per vampire, etc. And we could have done without the whole sparkling thing, but again, teenage girls love glitter.

Anyhow it had potential had some good editor manned it up.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2010, 04:08:28 PM by MoSeS_ »

Offline MoSeS

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #1049 on: July 12, 2010, 04:07:05 PM »
This is from the set of The Last Airbender. It also might be more convincing if he weren't sitting in a make up chair and playing with his cell phone, lol.

Ahhh!!! I see your point.

I haven't seen The Last Airbender yet, but I heard it was pretty awesome considering it is kind of targeted at kids.