No. Why? Because he's not Arab/Middle Eastern. Yes, yes, I know he played one in "The 13th Warrior", but personally I think it's extremely tacky when American actors or International popular actors (in Antonio's case) to play roles to draw crowds. Rashid is Middle Eastern and I think that casting the correct ethnicity -- there are plenty of very good Arab/Middle Eastern actors out there that can play The Gatekeeper.
We are agreed. As probably the only Arab/Middle Eastern character in the books (*coughhintcoughJimcough*), and as an Arab/Middle Eastern girl myself, I refuse to accept any other actor in the role. This entire Racebending thing over the Last Airbender movie has really got me thinking, and it's pushed me to the point that I realize, hey -- you know, there's really not all that many Middle Eastern or Arabic actors in American movies, nor are they generally portrayed as such if there are, and that's really kind of annoying. If a person is listed as a certain ethnicity, then they should be portrayed by someone of the same ethnicity.
And as a person of the same ethnicity, I want Rashid played by a Middle Eastern actor. Dammit.

Sorry to all Antonio Banderas fans.
Oded Fehr is Israeli, but at least has the look I think of Rashid (he's pretty tall 6'2)

Shaun Toub was recently brought to my attention as an actor, and he's Iranian/Jewish. I have no idea how tall he is, and though I originally did want Oded Fehr in this role (he's Israeli, yes, but he was born in the country, and the country is generally considered to be a part of the Middle East since it's right freaking
there), I kind of get the sense that Fehr may actually be too young for the role

Is that possible? Does anyone else think that?
Shaun Toub is actually very good at playing the older, wizened character role. Unfortunately, he's the sort of person that is of that indeterminate age, mainly because he won't SAY how old he is. (Maybe I'm not searching it right.)
By the way, he's also one of those actors that have been all over the place, like Ray Wise and Mark Sheppard. I just looked at his
IMDB resume 
Anyway, he's my pick for Rashid.