Okay, so I was kind of surprised when I did a celebrity recognition run on Matt Bomer (who I still demand for Thomas. John Morrison is my second choice by way of The God of Bowflex body.). I wanted to see if there were any particular male celebrities that looked enough like him that could be cast as Harry as well, and this is who I got (I'll add the percentage of matching as they pertain to Matt).
So here's Matt Bomer:

And this is everyone that the facial recognition thingy thinks looks like him. I agree on maybe two of them:
*Josh Holloway 63%
Hayden Christiansen 55% (NO.)
Gael Garcia Bernal 55% (NO.)
*Ian Somerhalder 54%
Josh Hartnett 53% (NO.)
Ronan Keating 53% (NO.)
Leonardo DiCaprio 52% (NO.)
Oded Fehr 49% (NO.)
Frank Lampard 48% (Definite NO. I'm wondering if the face recognition thing really knows what it's doing. The picture they used for this guy looks more like a match for Elijah Wood than for Matt Bomer.)
I've already named Josh Holloway as my pick to play Kincaid, so he's out. Which leaves Ian Somerhalder who has more of a resemblance to Bomer than Holloway does. Once again, I wonder if the FCR knows what it's doing, or not.) Somerhalder is on the CW hit show The Vampire Diaries (not that I've watched it. I've been so played out on the new vamp shows/movies that I've been clinging to Buffy with both arms and legs.) Aside from TVD, I know nothing about Somerhalder's acting.