Butters... Well I am not really sure how old he is, but being a medical examiner I just imagined he would be at least late 30's if not 40's. I guess they are a little older for the part, Buscemi is 52, Reubens is 57. But I think the fit the character perfectly with the polka playing and the qwerkiness and geekiness.
I definitely cannot see Simon Pegg for this part......Waldo Butters with a British accent.....not feeling that.
Simon Pegg is an actor, and actors often act in different accents. The fact that he is British isn't a disqualifier.
Here's how Butters is described:
Dead Beat:
Butters was a little guy, maybe five-foot-three in his shoes, maybe 120 pounds soaking wet....He had a shock of wiry black hair that gave him a perpetual look of surprise that stopped just short of being a perpetual look of electrocution.
"Screw up my life?" He stared a me for a second and then said, deadpan, "I'm a five-foot-three, thirty-seven-year-old, single, Jewish medical examiner who needs to pick up his lederhosen from the dry cleaners so that he can play in a one-man polka band at Oktoberfest tomorrow." He pushed up his glasses with his forefinger, folded his arms, and said, "Do your worst."from
White Night:
Butters was an odd little duck. He wasn’t much taller than Murphy, and she probably had more muscle than he did. His shock of black hair resembled nothing so much as an explosion in a steel wool factory. He was all knees and elbows, especially in the surgical greens he was wearing, his face was lean and angular, his nose beaky, and his eyes were bright behind the prescription glasses.Sorry but 5'10" (approx.) and not-odd-looking-at-all David Wenham would be totally wrong for Butters imo.
Molly... so she looks older than her age, I don't think that means when she is 14 she looks like she is 25, I think it means when she is 14 she looks like she is 17.
But she is around 17-18 in Proven Guilty, when she actually becomes one of the main characters, not 14.
Dakota is a little skinny, but she has played similar roles, Push and Twilight Saga, so I think that qualifies her more than anyone else suggested thus far. Plus yeah she looks young right now because she is 16, she might even fill out some to.
Maybe she could bulk up but can she grow taller than 5'3"?
Description of Molly from
Proven Guilty:
She strongly favored her mother, Charity. Both of them were tall for women, only an inch or two under six feet, both of them blond, fair, blue- eyed, and both of them built like the proverbial brick house, somehow managing to combine strength, grace and beauty that showed as much in their bearing, expression, and movement as it did in their appearance.I just cannot see Dakota Fanning as Molly at all.
But I could definitely get behind Stephen Lang as Morgan though, much more than Jason Statham, who imo, has rather limited acting abilities.
Sorry rose but have to disagree with most of these for a movie .....Meg Ryan (48) as Murphy - I loved Meg Ryan when I was growing up. Michelle Pfeiffer, Kathy Ireland, etc. These were my generation of celebrity females. But Meg is little old now to be Murphy. And Meg didn't age well either.
I have to disagree with that list too, and you're so right that Meg didn't age well. Not to mention, the bad plastic surgery that turned her into the Joker with fish lips.
Murphy is a hard one to cast, because I have a very specific image of what she should look like from the books:
Storm Front:
Karrin and I are a study in contrasts. Where I am tall and lean, she's short and stocky. Where I have dark hair and dark eyes, she's got Shirley Temple blond locks and baby blues. Where my features are all lean and angular, with a hawkish nose and a sharp chin, hers are round and smooth, with the kind of cute nose you'd expect on a cheerleader.from
Blood Rites:
Lt. Karrin Murphy, the woman in charge of the Special Investigations division of Chicago PD, stood an even five feet...She was attractive in a pleasantly wholesome kind of way-crystal blue eyes, clear skin, an upturned nose.
Murphy wasn't going to qualify under anyone's definition of willowy or svelte , but she had the build of a gymnast-tough, flexible, and strong. I can't think of any actress for the role myself, although I can certainly think "no!" to suggestions.