
Who should play Harry Dresden in a Movie?

Zachary Quinto
41 (5.9%)
Lee Pace
26 (3.8%)
Ryan Reynolds
51 (7.4%)
Hugh Jackman
91 (13.2%)
Clive Owen
46 (6.7%)
Paul Bettany
19 (2.8%)
Timothy Olyphant
75 (10.9%)
Nathan Fillion
220 (31.9%)
Joe Flanigan
37 (5.4%)
Chris Evans
7 (1%)
Gerard Butler
22 (3.2%)
Neil Flynn
8 (1.2%)
Jared Padalecki
47 (6.8%)

Total Members Voted: 681

Author Topic: Perfect Casting, part 2  (Read 1520715 times)

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #585 on: June 06, 2010, 12:57:35 PM »
For Molly Carpenter, I would cast Amanda Seyfried for that role.

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #586 on: June 07, 2010, 05:30:59 PM »
For Molly Carpenter, I would cast Amanda Seyfried for that role.

That's not bad, but Amanda Seyfried is 25 years old, and Dakota Fanning is 16/17 which is about the same age as Molly is in the current storyline. Dakota could age with the movies, Seyfried might be a little to old to do that.

Plus D. Fanning roles in Push and Twilight Saga give her a little more clout to play this role.

I could see Seyfried playing some part in this though, I think she would make a good villian, I have seen her do some wicked looks in a few of her movies and she pulls it off pretty well. Maybe she should be Nicodemus' daughter. The denarian with the metal tendrils.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2010, 05:36:21 PM by MoSeS_ »

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #587 on: June 07, 2010, 05:40:17 PM »
Matt Bomer as Thomas? I guess he kind of has the look, but I am not familiar with his work, is he a talented actor? what is his best role that makes him a suitable White Court Vampire, specifically Thomas?

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #588 on: June 07, 2010, 06:18:23 PM »
See, that's my problem with Matt Bomer.  Sure he's cute, and he has that one headshot where he looks menacing/sexy, but I've never seen him do menacing/sexy.  Both in Chuck and now in White Collar, he's sort of charming and swashbuckling, but not... what was the phrase?  Predatory angel.  I don't know if he can do the 'tude, and 'tude will get you farther as Thomas in my cast list than just good looks.  Which Bomer has, let's not kid ourselves. :D
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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #589 on: June 07, 2010, 10:59:12 PM »
The sad thing is... when I read Changes I absolutely saw Matt Bomer in the role of Thomas from the moment I started reading. The only issue I have is as I finished the book up i had to change my mind about if I really wanted him to play that role as it plays out. But I can see him doing it. It just popped out in my mind that he could do it and he was there as I read. It was like WHOA :D And when I read I see the scenes as if I'm watching a movie or tv show. So as I think of people who could play the role they either pop in immediately or over time as i reread the books.

But that's just my take... along with that yummy Thomas looking pic of him here:


And I will keep posting that pic to get more of you girls getting the 'vapors" from looking at him. ;)

*squees rather embarrassingly and runs into bunk*

See, that's my problem with Matt Bomer.  Sure he's cute, and he has that one headshot where he looks menacing/sexy, but I've never seen him do menacing/sexy.  Both in Chuck and now in White Collar, he's sort of charming and swashbuckling, but not... what was the phrase?  Predatory angel.  I don't know if he can do the 'tude, and 'tude will get you farther as Thomas in my cast list than just good looks.  Which Bomer has, let's not kid ourselves. :D


erm, anyway, maybe Matt can pull it off. Sure we haven't seen him predatory, but maybe he can, if he's a good enough actor... I liked him in Chuck, and he was good in it, so maybe he could act other roles as well.. I hope...
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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #590 on: June 08, 2010, 07:38:08 AM »
Having read the entire thread, I have come to the conclusion that it is really hard to cast the DF book characters because you have to find actors and actresses who look the parts, and can act! I honestly think that for some of the Sidhe characters, they'd have to be CGI creations, a la Avatar.

For Harry, I definitely agree with the Timothy Olyphant suggestion, especially if he were to grow his hair longer. I can also see Lee Pace as Harry. He certainly has the right height. Also, he's used to working with a doggy co-star.

Murphy: I have no frickin' idea! I always picture Murphy as someone built like Hayden Panettiere - petite, muscular, gymnast body. But she's too young and I don't like her anyway. I cannot see Sarah Michelle Gellar in the role as she is way too skinny. There were times on Buffy when I honestly thought she was going to break her stick-like arms when she pretended to pound on the baddies, or even the heavy bag during workouts.

Michael: Definitely agree with the Viggo Mortensen suggestion.

Charity: I like Samantha Ferris, but she is only 5'5". Elizabeth Mitchell from Lost and V would be my second choice although she isn't as solidly built as I would prefer.

Molly: Deborah Ann Woll. Yes, she's 25 but she plays teen vamp Jessica on True Blood, and she's 5'10". Someone suggested Dakota Fanning but she is way too skinny and only 5'2". Molly is supposed to be built like her mother, i.e. like a brick house. Dakota Fanning is built more like a short light house.

Sanya: Boris Kodjoe

Ivy: That creepy girl from the movie The Orphan.

Kincaid: Alexander Skarsgard or Josh Holloway from Lost.

Carlos Ramirez: Gael Garcia Bernal or Diego Luna

Luccio: If Jennifer Garner is too obvious, how about Carey Mulligan?

Marcone: Jason Isaacs, Ralph Fiennes or Guy Pearce.

Nic: Bill Nighy

Lara Raith: Can't beat the obvious choice, Angelina Jolie

Madeline Raith: Megan Fox

Lord Raith: has to be more handsome than Thomas, so no one comes to my mind.

And lastly...Thomas. I have to admit that I thought of Matt Bomer as well. I can also see Michael Fassbender, who has been mentioned.

I suggest Henry Cavill from The Tudors. See him with long hair, and shirtless, dirty and fighting.

My personal pick is someone probably no one has heard of! English ballet dancer/actor Will Kemp. Dubbed the "James Dean of Ballet," he may be best known for this Gap commercial from some years back. Will as the Swan in the all-male version of Swan Lake. He's who I picture as Thomas when I read the books.

Also, this poster for Dorian Gray made me think that Ben Barnes (aka Prince Caspian) might be a possible Thomas.

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #591 on: June 09, 2010, 04:02:38 PM »
This thought hit me last night, and he might be a bit young but David Mitchell as Wizard Peabody...Just picture him saying "You're an untidy person."
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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #592 on: June 09, 2010, 05:59:26 PM »
@ Treacle Tart

I wish my poll were still up here,
but unfortunately my thread hasn't been reopened since McAnally's (The Community Pub) renovation.

Anywho Timothy Olyphant didn't do so well in the poll. Personally I was for Lee Pace, but Nathan Fillion was winning before the poll dissappeared. Hugh Jackman, Zachary Quinto and Chris Evans also had more votes than Olyphant as well. But there were only about 23 votes when it closed.

The poll was a rather large selection due to suggestions:
Zachary Quinto
Lee Pace
Ryan Reynolds
Hugh Jackman
Clive Owen
Adrian Brody
Paul Bettany
Timothy Olyphant
Nathan Fillion
Hugh Laurie
Joe Flanigan
Chris Evans
Gerard Butler
Neil Flynn
Jared Paladecki

As I said though the poll never really got a chance to get going with only 23 votes, and Fillion was winning with 6 as I recall. I thought Fillion would make a better Michael if anything.

Michael: Viggo was also my choice, with Sean Bean as runner up, coincidentally Aragorn and Borimir in LOTR.

Murphy: Yeah I have seen a lot of suggestions, and yeah I actually thought of Hayden Panettiere too because of her role in Heroes, but she is too young. In my fake cast I have Naomi Watts for this but I am not 100% satisfied with that fit. Sarad Michelle Gellar....haven't really seen her around lately. Don't get me wrong, I was like head over heels for her back when Buffy started, but I don't think she could be Murphy. Too bad Michelle Pfeiffer is 50ish now, Catwoman Pfeiffer probably would have worked.....maybe....still doesn't fit though.

Charity: I had a hard time with this one too. I have Famke Janssen for this because I could see her playing opposite Viggo, and playing the overprotective mother with a dark secret. Someone suggested Michelle Pfeiffer, but once again she is 50ish and probably wouldn't work opposite Viggo as Michael.

Molly:I do love me some True Blood, and I like Deborah Ann Woll, I can definitely see that, but I still like D Fanning cause I thought she did a great job in Push, and soon we will see her actually get to do some stuff in the next Twilight Saga installment, might make you change your mind, albeit Twilight sux, but I read them all anyway, and her character as one of the Witch Twins, is a pretty cool character.

Sanya: Boris Kodjoe? I know I have seen him before, but I can't really remember him. Does he have an accent, I see he is from Austria, that would probably pass as a Russian accent to most Americans. My choice was Djimon Hounsou, albeit his has an African accent.

Ivy: I still like my choice Chloe Moretz

Kincaid: I love Alexander Skarsgard, as I already mentioned I love True Blood, and I am so dissapointed he isn't playing Thor in the movie. However, I still see Jason Statham as more of a Kincaid the Hellhound.

Ramirez: I like both Gael Garcia Bernal or Diego Luna, but I still go with Freddy Rodríguez because he was awesome in Planet Terror.

Luccio: Jennifer Garner.....I just really don't like her. I like your choice of Carey Mulligan. I haven't really seen too much of her stuff but she has a good look. I wonder if she can do an Italian accent.

Marcone: Jason Isaacs I can definitely see him as Tiger Souled, then again remember this, he played an evil wizard in Harry Potter. Ralph Fiennes, also in Harry Potter, I have to say I can't see Lord Voldemort as a mobster. Guy Pearce....maybe, he was pretty awesome in Memento, and he wasn't in Harry Potter.

Nic: Bill Nighy. Yes, Bill Nighy was my first choice (you probably read my post ~_~), but it was pointed out to me that Nic is suppose to look 30ish, so I changed it to Gary Oldman (coincidentally Sirius Black in Harry Potter), granted Oldman is 50ish, still looks much younger than Nighy.

Lara Raith: Angelina Jolie, yeah that works. I have Angelina down as Lashiel because she has the Temptress thing down. I guess that works for Lara too.

Madeline Raith: Megan Fox, I can't really see her as Madeline. Besides that if you cast Jolie as Lara and Megan as Madeline, there is too much of an age gap there, they should be about the same age. I have Megan as Maeve, the Lady of Winter.

Lord Raith: As suggested by someone else, Vincent Cassal. I think it could work.

Thomas: Thomas is difficult because he has to be able to look enough like Harry that you would think brothers, and also look like the son of Lord Raith and Margaret Lefay. Originally when I thought Clive Owen should play Harry Dresden, I chose Jake Gyllenhaal as my Thomas because I can see the two as being brothers. Now....well I still like him as Thomas.

p.s. if you aren't clicking the links, you are totally missing the context.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2010, 06:45:15 PM by MoSeS_ »

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #593 on: June 10, 2010, 08:56:18 AM »
@ MoSeS_

Re: the poll for who could play Harry

Hmm....I disagree with most of those choices - LOL! I love Nathan Fillion but I cannot see him as Harry at all. He'd make a better Michael but I picture Michael as being older.

Murphy - I think Hayden Panettiere's built is what any actress playing Murphy should have, but Hayden Panettiere would be totally wrong for the role. The problem is finding actresses with that sort of built, especially in Hollywood. Even if they start out with a more solid, muscular body type, they almost inevitably diet and exercise to become your typical skinny size zero. Look at the difference between Buffy S1 Sarah Michelle Gellar, and S2+.

I guess for me, I like to see an actor or actress actually look like the character as described, so when I read many of the suggestions, I just go, too thin! Too scrawny! NOT built like a brickhouse! NOT handsome enough! Too porky! I'm just particular that way.  ;D

Boris Kodjoe for Sanya - Check out this video of him. Also, he's going to be in the new J.J. Abrams spy series called Undercovers.

Kincaid - I think ASkars trumps Jason Statham any day! Besides, isn't Kincaid supposed to have long blond hair that he wears in a ponytail sometimes? Would be problematic for Jason Statham unless they put him in a hairpiece.

Ramirez - guess I still have bad associations when it comes to Freddy Rodríguez since I mostly know him from Six Feet Under, and I pretty much hated Rico towards the end of that show! Besides, Gael Garcia Bernal would make a very pretty Warden. Albeit, a tad hard to believe as a virgin.....

Bill Nighy for Nic - as much as I am a stickler for "actor must look like character as described in the books," I'll make an exception here as I just love Bill Nighy and he would be awesome as Nic.

Megan Fox as Madeline Raith - I chose Megan as I actually do not care for her. She's been described as the poor man's Angelina Jolie, and to me, she is perfect as the overblown, too-obvious, trying-way-too-hard Madeline. Somehow, I always pictured her as being younger than Lara.

Vincent Cassal as Lord Raith: I agree he has the predatory cruelty quality, but handsomer than Thomas? Any of the Thomases suggested so far? That's a major fail for me.

And I thought of someone for Butters: Simon Pegg! Here he is, with dark hair.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2010, 10:48:55 AM by Treacle Tart »

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #594 on: June 10, 2010, 11:30:12 AM »
I personally think it's more important that they have the attitude of the character (OF COURSE, what they look like is seriously important too), but am just saying. xD
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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #595 on: June 10, 2010, 12:54:56 PM »
@ Treacle Tart
I wish my poll were still up here,
but unfortunately my thread hasn't been reopened since McAnally's (The Community Pub) renovation.

You could post a new poll.  Things being moved and removed were simple housekeeping.
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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #596 on: June 10, 2010, 02:41:48 PM »
@Blaze - I could start a new poll, but I then I would have to attract everyone to my new thread.

@Treacle Tart
Kincaid has hair? I thought he was bald.....the whole time I have been reading the books, I must have zoned out when they described his physical appearance and from his attitude I just pictured him bald or kind of military style because he is basically a mercenary, and Statham is playing in that upcoming merc movie The Expendables.

As far as ASkars trumping Statham...AGREED! Eric Northman character is probably my favorite True Blood character, I can't wait til that comes back on. But I picked Statham because I picture Kincaid more rugged, and ASkars is too pretty for the Kincaid in my head, he did play a Meekus (green shirt) in Zoolander after all.

And does anyone else think ASkars should be THOR in the movie, would that not be perfect. Oh well, I guess I will give the Chris Hemsworth guy a chance. Not like I have a choice ~_O

I only know F. Rodriguez from Planet Terror, Harsh Times, Lady in the Water, and Scrubs(which was a small role). I never watched Six Feet Under. But I picked him based solely off Planet Terror because I thought El Wray was a great character and so similar to the character Ramirez. Have you seen Planet Terror? His characters quote is "I never miss" and at the end.....ah man....what a great movie. I love Robert Rodriguez movies. Funny how they advertise the new Predators movie as a Robert Rodriguez film even though he is producing it and not directing it. I hate when they do that. I remember when Tarantino "presented" Hero, and Cloverfield was a "J.J. Abrams project", and Guillermo Del Toro's The Oprhange, etc. They always try to fool me by tacking some big name on there even though they only produced it or something, which IMO has very little to do with Directing it.

Bill Nighy, I chose him because of Underworld as Viktor (one of at least my top ten movies). I thought his role in that is soo much like the Nic character. Even his role in Pirates was kind of that "join me forever as one of my cursed crewman" which is sort of like the Denarians.

You don't like Megan Fox? she did kind of seem like a......well she didn't seem very nice at the movie awards when Andy Sanbreg hosted. And she got fired from the next Transformers for getting into with the director i think. But damn is she smokin'. Yeah I also saw a lot of references to her as the poor man's A. Jolie. Maybe they should do Mother/Daughter roles like Mab and Maeve, although the Queen of Winter and Lady of Winter don't technically have to be blood relatives....if Faeries even have blood. Then I can just swap A. Jolie and M. Belucci in my fake cast. ~_O

Lord Raith. Yeah I like Cassal, but I wasn't really feelin' that either. I am kind of picturing Lucius Malfoy/Jason Isaacs for this. Funny how some of the Harry Potter cast fits for this. i.e. Gary Oldman, Jason Isaacs, etc. okay maybe not that many.

Simon Pegg as Butters, that's okay, but what about Steve Buscemi or Paul Reubens.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2010, 02:55:36 PM by MoSeS_ »

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #597 on: June 10, 2010, 04:28:03 PM »
That's not bad, but Amanda Seyfried is 25 years old, and Dakota Fanning is 16/17 which is about the same age as Molly is in the current storyline. Dakota could age with the movies, Seyfried might be a little to old to do that.

Uh. At the time of Changes, Molly is in her early 20s.
Murphy: "Maybe you know the monsters, Martin. But I know the guy who stops them."

Dresden: "Don't call me a dinosaur. It isn't fair to the dinosaurs. What did a dinosaur ever do to you?"

Dresden: "Hell's holy stars and freaking stones shit bells."

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #598 on: June 10, 2010, 05:22:51 PM »
Uh. At the time of Changes, Molly is in her early 20s.

Thats right, I am thinking about around the time she becomes his apprentice, but regardless that's the 12th book. She is 14 when she is first introduced in the series.
So if they started making the movies right now, by the time they got to the movie for Changes, Seyfried would be like at least 37. She wouldn't look like she was in her early 20s.

In 12 years Dakota will be like 28, that would be perfect for changes.

*Theoretically if they did 1 movie per book/per year starting right now
« Last Edit: June 10, 2010, 05:35:31 PM by MoSeS_ »

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #599 on: June 10, 2010, 05:29:28 PM »
and when interduced, two books later that produces many ewwws