
Who should play Harry Dresden in a Movie?

Zachary Quinto
41 (5.9%)
Lee Pace
26 (3.8%)
Ryan Reynolds
51 (7.4%)
Hugh Jackman
91 (13.2%)
Clive Owen
46 (6.7%)
Paul Bettany
19 (2.8%)
Timothy Olyphant
75 (10.9%)
Nathan Fillion
220 (31.9%)
Joe Flanigan
37 (5.4%)
Chris Evans
7 (1%)
Gerard Butler
22 (3.2%)
Neil Flynn
8 (1.2%)
Jared Padalecki
47 (6.8%)

Total Members Voted: 681

Author Topic: Perfect Casting, part 2  (Read 1521287 times)

Offline MoSeS

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #450 on: May 21, 2010, 01:34:17 PM »
I like the little girl in this ad for IVY:

She has that young Dakota Fanning vibe and i know people liked DF for the role.

Dakota Fanning is old enough now that she could play Molly Carpenter (which is why I cast it that way)

Is the girl in the add a proven actress? The girl i chose for Ivy was in Kick Ass as Hit Girl, and for her age she was an amazing actress, she could easily pull off the fight scene with the Denarius.

Offline MoSeS

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #451 on: May 21, 2010, 04:29:12 PM »
I have updated my cast and made some rearrangments. My list started off coherent with characters listed in order of significance, but it has sort of become random.

Also I admit the list has become a bit ridiculous because I tried to squeeze in as many major actors and actresses as I could even for small roles that wouldn't really require a big star, but I figure since it's a fake cast anyways, why not get as many as I can in there.

I even casted Cowl and we don't even know who that really is yet, it could be a character that's already been revealed. But like I said, I am really stretching this to get a bunch of big names in.

Go to this thread to find link to updated cast http://www.jimbutcheronline.com/bb/index.php/topic,18318.70.html
« Last Edit: May 26, 2010, 01:45:17 PM by MoSeS_ »

Offline MoSeS

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #452 on: May 21, 2010, 04:45:28 PM »
I know there is already a thread for a Dresden Files Movie Cast, but it's outdated (except my last few posts).

I wanted to get a fresh take on who should be cast if they were to make a movie or series of movies.


Zachary Quinto     - 4 (14.3%)
Lee Pace    - 2 (7.1%)
Ryan Reynolds    - 2 (7.1%)
Hugh Jackman    - 2 (7.1%)
Clive Owen    - 1 (3.6%)
Paul Bettany    - 2 (7.1%)
Timothy Olyphant    - 4 (14.3%)
Nathan Fillion    - 6 (21.4%)
Joe Flanigan    - 1 (3.6%)
Chris Evans    - 1 (3.6%)
Gerard Butler    - 1 (3.6%)
Neil Flynn    - 2 (7.1%)
Jared Padalecki    - 0 (0%)
« Last Edit: June 23, 2010, 01:55:37 PM by MoSeS_ »

Offline Knight Disciple

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #453 on: May 21, 2010, 07:07:08 PM »
Right, I'll do a post for male characters, then one for femaleedit the gals into this one.

Harry Dresden: Maybe, but he seems a bit old unless we start a ways down the line. I was under the impression Harry was hitting maybe 30 in Storm Front. Clive has some of the look, but looks a bit too mature for what I picture early Harry being.
Michael Carpenter: Hm, maybe. I'd generally pictured Michael being a bit more buff, and with a squarer jaw. Maybe Sean Bean here?  ;)
Bob the Skull: Well, if it's voice-only (which it ought to be, dang it!), I can't say for sure. I'd need an audio clip of him.
Kincaid: Perfect.
Ebenezar McCoy: Perfect.
Warden Morgan: Pretty much perfect. Even/especially if they throw in the scars.  ;D
Johnnie Marcone: Actually, yes. Perfect.
Thomas Raith: You know...I can see it, yes.
Carlos Ramirez: Looks solid, don't know the guy.
Nicodemus: He could get the delivery down, but...he's too old. Nicky boy is supposed to look like he's in his 30's, isn't he?
Hendricks: Perfect.
Sanya: Yeah, I think that works pretty well.
Erlking: Hm...yeah, it works. 8)
Ferrovax: Bean should be Michael, not sure who to put here. Maybe Nighy?
Donar: Eh. I'd pictured someone...older. Maybe Christopher Lee here?
Lloyd Slate: I like it.
Shiro: Perfect.
Fix: Solid choice.
Red King: Eh, maybe. Couldn't hurt to use someone who looks a little younger, no offense to the actor in question.  ;)
Borden: Seems a solid choice.
Lord Raith: I'd put Rickman here. Lee has the charisma, but again, he seems to look a bit old for it. Rickman could give the role some needed vitality (no offense to Mr. Lee).
Mortimer: I dunno. I don't have a good picture in my mind here.
DuMorne: Decent. Part of me hates wasting him in such a small role, though.
Duke Ortega: Perfect.
Waldo Butters: Solid. He might be workable for Mortimer, too.
Madrigal: Good.
Listens to the Wind: Maybe. I pictured him with more grey and wrinkles.
The Merlin: Hm. Possible. Another picture might help.
Uriel: Yeah, I can see it.
Rashid: I'd love it, but....Rashid's of Middle Eastern descent, so I can't really say it feels like a good fit. Possible alternate for The Merlin.
Cowl: Not bad.
Grevane: Oh, I like it, actually.

Edit: Time for the ladies.

Murphy: I can see it. Hopefully she's not too tall. ;)
Ivy: Pretty good.
Molly: I think so. Hopefully she's not too old that she can't "age with the role".
Susan: Decent choice.
Mab: Hm. Maybe...I think Tilda Swinton could work here as well.
Lea: Eh. Not seeing it.
Maeve: Sure.
Aurora: Um...actually, maybe.
Lily: Liking it.
Justine: Very solid pick.
Corpsetaker: Yeah, this seems solid.
Elaine: I think so, yes.
Lash: Heh. Solid.
Mavra: Perfect.
Lara: Hm. Solid, at least.
Bianca: Good.
Inari: Too old.
Ancient Mai: If we lather on the age makeup, maybe.
Ms. Gard: Solid.
Charity: Not really. I think if you swap Janssen and Pfeiffer, it would work better. Pfeiffer would bring a bit more maturity to the role.
Margaret: Actually, yeah, I think this is pretty good.
Tera West: Good.
Tessa: Again, swapping Janssen and Pfeiffer here. Feels like a better fit.
Arianna Ortega: Perfect.
Priscilla: Yeah, I think this is good.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2010, 07:20:17 PM by Knight Disciple »
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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #454 on: May 21, 2010, 07:19:28 PM »
I liked most of them except Harry and Thomas. But I don't know of anyone else lol
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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #455 on: May 21, 2010, 07:45:48 PM »
I think I saw two actors who actually fit both age and physical description of the characters you wanted them to play.  Sorry, massive amounts of NO.

I don't see enough movies/TV to try casting it, but I can say that I don't see this list as appropriate.

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #456 on: May 21, 2010, 07:54:50 PM »
The more I watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the more I think the guy who plays Angel would make a good Thomas Raith and the guy that plays Giles would make a good Bob.

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #457 on: May 21, 2010, 08:02:50 PM »
I'd still advocate Michael Clarke Duncan as Marcone. Sure, he's not the right ethnicity, but it's REALLY easy for me to read Marcone's lines in his voice.

I can't see Adrian Pasdar having that same imposing feeling, though he could probably pull off tiger-souled.
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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #458 on: May 22, 2010, 12:37:31 AM »
Somebody should set up one of those elimination brackets for this purpose. Poll the board for their favs for each role, and then face them off "democratically." I'd be interested to see who'd win.

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #459 on: May 22, 2010, 10:37:12 AM »
Somebody should set up one of those elimination brackets for this purpose.

I concur, but know nothing useful to help achieve it.

As for your choice - the men nail it, i think you got the majority of them perfect. Harry, nic, ferrovax, billy and rashi - maybe, but the rest hit it.
The females - some are exact, but i just get the feeling that there is way too many good looking women around harry with that cast. I mean, i'd always imagined some a bit more realistically good looking, rather than movie star perfect, but the attitudes from what i know match the characters.

I had wondered about Tony Robinson for Bob's voice. HE can have the right combo of intelligent and annoying, but thats just my two cents, helluva lot of work gone in to your choices.

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #460 on: May 23, 2010, 04:48:24 AM »
I think that Vincent Cassel would be the perfect Lord Raith - he brings a whimsical, serial-killer quality smothered in suaveness that suits the character well  :)

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #461 on: May 23, 2010, 04:55:03 AM »
I think that Vincent Cassel would be the perfect Lord Raith - he brings a whimsical, serial-killer quality smothered in suaveness that suits the character well  :)

I've seen pictures of him... is it just me, or does he sort of bear a vague resemblance to Jude Law?

On another note, think he can rock a giant honking ruby earring in one ear? (I'm rereading Blood Rites for the millionth time, and have just reached Lord Raith's description in the book. Kinda funny.)
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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #462 on: May 23, 2010, 03:05:14 PM »
I forgot about Vincent Cassel, I like that actor. He might be too young looking to pull off Lord Raith though, granted he is a Vampire, but he is also the father of a bunch of offspring, so I picture him looking somewhat older.

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #463 on: May 23, 2010, 03:44:57 PM »
@ Knight Disciple

I like your suggestions, I think you are correct on all accounts. I have to admit that I went overboard casting some big actors for small parts and also getting some of the ages wrong. I figure since it's fake though why not squeeze them in there.

Harry: Yes, Clive is too old for early Harry.
Michael Carpenter: I did consider Bean for this but I like Viggo so I boosted him up to this role.
Nicodemus: I wanted to put Gary Oldman here actually but I thought Nighy could pull it off too.
Donar: Your absolutely right, I thought about that, but the guy is actually Norweigan so that's why I did it.
Red King: I could think of any other guys except maybe Robert LaSardo, actually LaSardo would be great.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:RobertLaSardoTattoo.JPG
Lord Raith: I originally had C Lee as the Merlin, but that wasn't working for me. Rickman could work.
DuMorne: Yeah I kind of wanted Oldman as my Nicodemus.
Rashid: I didn't realize he was Middle Eastern, how about this Oded Fehr http://angelacameron.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/oded-fehr.jpg too young?

Mab: My logic here was that Belluci could pull of being the mother of M. Fox (as Maeve).
Lea: my reason is Jovovich can pull off a pretty decent CRAZY which is kind of Lea. But the look isn't quite right.
Inari: I thought so too, but she kind of favors Portman so I was going for the sisterly look. Plus Inari is old enough to be a production assistant at a porn studio so that would put her at like maybe 21ish and Knightley is 25, not too far off.
Charity: Agreed. However is Pfeiffer too old to play Viggo or Beans wife? she is in her 50's now.

« Last Edit: May 25, 2010, 03:50:56 PM by MoSeS_ »

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Re: Perfect Casting, part 2
« Reply #464 on: May 23, 2010, 03:47:59 PM »
Somebody should set up one of those elimination brackets for this purpose. Poll the board for their favs for each role, and then face them off "democratically." I'd be interested to see who'd win.

A poll is a good idea! Except I can't think of 5 actors to consider for Harry. I will think about it and start a poll. I will review some of the suggestions on the other threads too, though I have already shot down tons of them like Eric Bana, Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman, etc.

Throw me some suggestions for Harry Dresden, then we can trickle it down to other characters. Casting Harry is going to effect how Thomas Raith is cast also, because Thomas is suppose to resemble Harry, except a bit shorter and a better physique of course. 
« Last Edit: May 24, 2010, 01:16:49 PM by MoSeS_ »