Oops, I thought you meant Tilda as Lasciel. Lash, Sheila? I'm several books behind (still stuck on "Turn Coat"), due to lack of time to read these days. I'm either getting behind on my TV shows/DVDs or on books. Can't keep up with both due to work/eat/sleep. 
I never pictured Lasciel as beautiful.
Remember that we never actually
see Lasciel. We see the imprint taking on a form for Harry in his head. And it can appear however she likes, so that she appeals to Harry. And I'd say that Harry likes the appearance of both Lash and Shiela. He makes out with one, and his subconscious makes eyes at the other.
- Lash (DB): She was a little taller than average and had hair that fell in a sheet of golden silk to her shoulders. She was dressed in a silken tunic belted with soft rope, both pure white. The outfit neither displayed any impropriety nor allowed anyone looking to ignore the
beauty of the body it clothed. Her eyes were of a deep, deep blue, like a sunny October sky, and her skin glowed with wholesome
appeal. She was, quite simply, a
stunning creature.
- Shiela (DB): She was young, midtwenties at most. She was dressed in a long wool skirt, a turtleneck, and a cardigan sweater, all in colors of grey. She had hair of medium brown, held up into a bun with a pair of pencils, wore glasses, and had a heart-shaped face that was more
attractive than beautiful, her features soft and
- Lash (PG): Her most common form was that of a tall, athletic blonde wearing a white Greek-style tunic that fell almost to her knee.
- Lash (PG): She appeared at once, stepping into the circle of light. She wore her most familiar form, the functional white tunic, the tall, lovely figure, but her golden hair now appeared as a waist-length sheet of deep auburn.