I loved DS9!
I hated DS9 even before I knew that Babylon 5 existed (I discovered B5 in Sept. 1996.). I'd stuck with DS9 for
FOUR LONG YEARS out of goodwill built up from watching TOS and TNG from 1966 to 1994, before gradually quitting watching it (DS9). The freakin' kids seemed to be there only to cause problems. Keiko O'Brien was a royal pain in the ass for Miles O'Brien. The Bajorans and Kai Whatsherface were more annoyances. In Sept. 1996, I saw "Babylon 5" S3E21 "Shadow Dancing" and was
HOOKED immediately. The writing was better, the effects were better, the characters and alien races were more fleshed out, less one-dimensional, less stereotypical sci-fi; it was head and shoulders above Trek. Then,
much later, I found out that B5 had been shopped to Paramount before Warner Brothers, and Paramount had been given the Babylon 5 series treatment/bible. Paramount turned 'em down and then rushed DS9 into production, and got their pilot out before the Babylon 5 pilot. Hmmmmm. Leeta vs. Lyta. Worm hole vs. hyperspace.jumpgate system. Defiant vs. Whitestar. Tsk, tsk. Well, regardless of how eerily close the starting point for B5 and DS9, the series diverged as time went on due to the different creative teams making them.
Voyager tried to hard (You like Borgs, how about a Million Borg!)
I switched to Voyager from DS9, and Voyager was even WORSE! ARGH! <spit> Maquis? Bad hair day, sponge-head, Kazon? Please! <spit> I just like Scorpion I & II because Species 8### ships looked vaguely like Vorlon ships, I liked how a group of their ships combined to make a bigger weapon (mimicking how a single Vorlon ship fires), AND they kicked Borg ass. I did like 7 of Double-D, though.

JJ is making Star Trek FUN again.
Oh for God's sake! BARF!!!!

JJ Abrams is ruining it, although there was not much left to ruin. I bought the Star Trek (2009) DVD when it first came out because it was listed on Netflix as Very Long Wait, and I didn't want to wait. I hadn't seen it in the theaters. I watched the DVD and immediately sold it. Didn't want it in my collection. It was similar to what I did with War of the Worlds (2005), except that I broke that disc in two, so as not to have other minds subjected to it. I saved the box, though, the most useful and valuable part of War of the Worlds (2005). I kept hoping that the aliens would EAT the constantly screaming Rachel Ferrier/Dakota Fanning, just to shut her the hell up, plus, it would probably kill the aliens. Then, I re-watched War of the Worlds (1953) just to help wash the 2005 version out of my memory.
Enterprise got boned because 1. UPN 2. Voyager Fans 3. They basically wrote themselves into a corner with what they could and could not do (I heard an exciting idea for the season after the last which is basically the Romulan-Earth War which would be epic)
Enterprise/Star Trek: Enterprise got Berman and Braga'd to death. B&B were the two SOBs who ruined it. Manny Coto did a helluva good job salvaging the show in Seasons 3 & 4. I found Seasons 1 & 2 pretty boring/going nowhere and not very good at all. B&B should be banned from ever working in TV or movies for what they did in ENT S4E22. FWIW, when the alien space nazis were revealed in the last seven minutes of ENT S3E24 "Zero Hour", I dropped ENT and didn't watch Season 4 until four years later, via Netflix DVDs, at the recommendation of a friend on the internet.
I got started watching Babylon 5 back in Sept. 1996 on the recommendation of a friend and fellow engineer, who knew that I was getting 110% fed-up with DS9 & VOY. I currently have no Trek DVDs in my collection. OTOH, I have every Babylon 5 and Crusade DVD, the short stories (all out of print), the novels, mugs, baseball caps, some figurines (some pewter, some plastic) and even some of the comics/graphic novels. The only other TV series/novels I'm into nearly as much as Babylon 5 is The Dresden Files.