This thread is an attempt to have folks share, through pictures/drawings/etc., the essence of how they see Dresden characters, when they create or come across them. Personally, I have no artistic ability whatsoever, so when I see a photo that strikes a chord, I like to share it. If there is any other art that anyone has come across, that strikes the essence of the Dresdenverse, I'd like to see it.
I frequently peruse different artists at Every once in a while, I find one that really stands out, and that's the case with Jaime Ibarra. He seems to capture things in his photos that make them unique. You can check out his profile
Renaissance Fair Knight.

Renaissance Fair... Fae?

Why this rant in the DF Books section? Because while perusing his
album, I came across pictures that somehow managed to capture the essence of a few Dresden character profiles to me. The first was a collection of pictures of a model/photographer named
Meagan, who captured an early Molly Carpenter to me.
Early Molly Carpenter.

But when I came across this picture, it inspired me to post here. This is a picture of an un-named model/subject that is the perfect essence of Karrin Murphy, or at least how I see her.