Thank you dea, As far as my man vince, I am actually a fan of his... He was on a short lived, but excellent show on Sci-Fi called " The Invisible Man" He was a very good mix of good, evil, and smart @$$. I Have thought of him as Harry... I keep trying to come up for reasons to say no... but I Keep coming back to him... I have looked at the others who people have suggested and I, putting them under scroutany find that Most of them are too young, or either The right level of smart @$$. I vote Yes on Vince
What I find most interesting is that folks aren't taking age into consideration for "Casting". I know this is all speculation and wishful thinking, but when I picture these actors/actresses playing Dresden characters, I tend to imagine that the entire book series is going to be put into film. And for that, you have to cast fairly young. Even at two books a year, you're talking about a 12 year run on television.
To start the series, Harry is mid-to-late-twenties. Thomas is 5 years older, if I remember correctly. That means he's late-twenties-to-early-thirties before we see him. So casting Bomer (35) as Thomas, especially a few years ago, would have been perfect. But now he's too old to be the youngest Thomas is in the series. And since Wamps are supposed to age slowly, you might actually have to cast someone the same age - or even younger - than your casting of Harry, to keep that youthful appearance throughout an extended show.
Of course, I've always thought that if they actually did a book-to-film series, they'd have to ease up on the eternal youth of everyone. So maybe not, if they went that route.
OK, if we are going with Matt Bomer for Thomas, the I would cast Olivia Wilde as Lara, and Summer Glau as Inari
I made this family tree a while back. Don't agree with all of it now. But I agree with Olivia Wilde as Lara. Summer Glau is too old for Inari, who is supposed to be late teens in BR. Here I cast Victoria Justice as Inari. The only fake casting was Justine, who's just a random webchick that caught the image. I had fun with Elisa and Natalia

I'm bored today, sorry for bombing everyone's inbox.
Here's my choice for Toot Toot, Steve Zahn:
I think Zahn would be great as the character, but Toot is supposed to be similar in appearance to a teenager if I recall correctly.