Damn. That just made me want Ben to go and read Dresden Files. Stop that.
Agreed. At one point I was very upset by the idea of anyone but Marsters reading the audiobooks, but... I'd make an exception.
and... well... augh. No, it didn't help, I keep remembering Matt Bomer's pretty face and... well... augh.
I've wondered before if I'm defective or something, but I am not attracted to Matt Bomer at all. I understand the appeal. I mean, he's clearly an extremely good looking guy, but he just does nothing for me. Benedict Cumerbatch, though? I swoon and swoon some more. I'll watch things I have no real interest in, just to stare at him.
Imagine Jim's writing in those two people's hands.
I am, and my imaginings are all made of win and awesome!
You know, the more I think of it, the more I think the BBC might be a good way to go with a Dresden show. They seem to care more about source material and less about making as much as they can, as fast as they can, and then only giving a show two weeks to prove whether it can be a hit or not.