Some I agree with - some I don't.
The one for Gard - no - she needs to look Nordic and that lady neither looks Nordic nor capable of wielding a battle ax. Jeri Ryan for Titania - good. And I love Judi Dench and Helen Mirren as the Mothers.
Kristen Bell - no not as Murphy, sorry. And the lady for Susan - no, she's too young looking - Susan is a woman.
I always pictured Susan as younger than Harry in the early books, which would put her in her early to mid twenties. And then when she was bitten, she stopped aging. Sofia Pernas is 22, so she'd be around the right age for Susan in that scenario. But I don't know when Susan was born, or how old she was supposed to be.
Kristen Bell in that picture, to me, looks like Murphy, but not anywhere else. And Izabella Scorupco may not be a Nordic Amazon, but she's actually from Poland and 5'8". And she was Bond girl, so <3. In the past I said a young Famke Janssen as Leah, since she's could pull off the red-headed crazy; that would be two Bond girls,
plus Dench.
How about this pic of Izabella? Any better?

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