Here is my mental image of Lea:

Sorry I think too young for Marcone.
Yeah, we've been having this conversation. How old is Marcone, exactly? Because if he was a young tough when the little girl got shot, and she was an adolescent in Death Masks, then he's not that old.
(gee, I feel like I'm repeating myself a page later or something.)
He's described as having crow's feet (hence my giving the guy some crow's feet, which might be more visible full-size, which the forum won't display) and salt-and-pepper hair (hence the smattering of gray hairs) which I take to mean "premature gray" more than "getting old."
Also, this is how he looks in the comic book:

Doesn't look that old to me.
Tilda Swinton is an very talented actor, so she can play sexy as well as androgynous if she wishes, I'm sure. Granted, they'd have to pad her chest, but it's not like that doesn't happen all the time. Hollywood wants us to believe that it's possible to look like an 8 year old boy with a generous cleavage, but without silicone, it's really not.
It's possible to be thin (maybe not eight-year-old thin, but thin) and have generous cleavage, it's just rare. I've heard that about 1% of ectomorph women are naturally well-endowed. Example would be Kat Dennings (my pick for Justine) who is slender, but definitely has generous cleavage. (I am 99% certain they're real.)
There's no denying Tilda Swinton's talent, but she's just not all that pretty. It's not just her body that's somewhat androgynous, it's her face. I wouldn't cast her as Mab. Not saying I wouldn't cast her at all, just not as an unearthly beautiful fae.
I have trouble shaking my mental image of Jeff Bridges as being young and cute.
Well, I suggest watching the new True Grit; that'll shake it pretty fast.