See the problem is I can see Mark Sheppard playing several roles, I can see him playing Justin in flashbacks or Uriel (aka Jake) during 2 times he talks to dresden or a few other miner things. While I do think he would make a good Nicodemus I am just sure he is my first choice. While he can do creepy he does not have a strong enough presence in my mind. Again dont get me wrong I loved him in Firefly then when he showed up on BSG I freaked out as his character on that show was just perfect for him, but I just dont see it.
I saw a few people say Alan Rickman for Morgan and a few hinted at him for Nic but I think he would be great that or Hugo Weaving or even David Thewlis though I know some have suggested him for other roles. I just see Nic being played by someone with a powerful voice. Now that I think about David Thewlis, Gary Oldman comes to mind.... see all of these are powerful actors and they could all play this role or others in the film... this is hard.
Thinking off hand I just found a perfect Martin, Michael Bowman. For those that do not remember him

or maybe Anthony Rapp

Hmmm, I kind of like Anthony Rapp for Martin. Let's go with him. And I'm still kinda stuck between Mark Sheppard and Timothy Dalton for Nicodemus.
How many times do I need to say it? Clancy Brown IS Morgan.

One thing about Morgan is that his voice CANNOT be smooth in any way. I just don't think it would work. His voice needs to be rough and gravely. Thus, Clancy Brown.
Let me try casting Turn Coat, because why not.
Harry=Paul Blackthorne (I think he did a good job in the show, and he's pretty tall.)
Morgan=Clancy Brown
Butters=Steve Buscemi
Thomas=Matt Bomer
Murphy=Taylor Schilling
Bob=Jim Butcher
Binder=Brendan Gleeson
Madeline Raith=Paris Hilton (She was actually pretty good in
Repo! The Genetic Opera.)
Luccio=Olivia Wilde or Summer Glau
Ebenezar=Jeff Bridges
Merlin=Terrence Stamp
Peabody=Terrence Mann
Listens To Wind=Wes Studi
Warden Chandler=???
Lara Raith=Eliza Dushku
The Skinwalker (Voice)=Gabriel Woolf
Vince Graver=???
Ancient Mai=???
The Gatekeeper=???
Anyone want to help fill in the blanks?