I think it is important to rememb er that Ancient Mai is Ancient even by wizard standards. I definitely don't think there should be any girlish or young womanly features. She should be imposing, regal, even elegant in her dress sure. But I think she should look like someone's tough ass great grandma who seems to power on by sheer force of will.
I agree - like I said, I'm not lobbying for some hot young thing...or even some hot middleaged thing. I just think that the woman in PotC can't have been pretty when she was young, which is not the idea you should get from Mai. As you said, she should be "regal" and "elegant" and the PotC actress looks way to weathered, not somebody who's spent most of thier life indoors, as I believe Mai has.
Hm, Clancy Brown as Morgan - that could work. And not just because its JB.

Give Leonardo DeCaprio another 10 years and then heck yeah! (And I'm just as shocked as you GW that I'm actually agreeing, lol.)

Can play righteous, fatherly and badass.
Lol! Yep, that's Micahel for you. Exactly the reasons I love him so much. (Plus the buff part - you know, if we're really being honest about this.)

I recent found the actress to play Murph her name is Megan Dodds.
We have officially found Murphy!!! Bless you, bellmaker!!!!!!

Oh, and I might have said this before, but just in case...Here's Lea.
Now what actress is that again? I'd have to know that to evaluate her acting potential but looks-wise that is so Lea.
And now let me appologize for this insanely long post...I've been buried in homework all week so you'll have to cut me a break.