As for the voice of Bob...I think Tim Curry did great in the TV show. Let him be Bob again.
Wait, what? Are we talking about the Dresden Files TV show? Because Bob was
not played by Tim Curry. The actor was Terrence Mann. I am, however, fully in support of having Tim Curry in some role. Because he's awesome. I still stand by Eddie Izzard as Bob's voice. But whoever we choose, they must be british. I can't imagine Bob without at least a
slight British accent. Apart from Marsters, of course.
Also, I finally found someone who could probably do Marcone; Mark Harmon (Gibbs on NCIS). And please tell me I'm not the only one who thinks he looks like John Barrowman with grey hair.
I recent found the actress to play Murph her name is Megan Dodds she is currently playing and FBI agent on Dtroit 187 alas I am not computer savay enough to post a picture. 

Bellmaker, you might be onto something with her.
*whisper* packers *whisper*
I, for one, vote that no discussion of football should occur in this thread. Too much potential for getting off topic.