Orlando Bloom....NOOOOOO!!!!!! he is the worst ever. He didn't even act well as Legolas, really pay attention next time you watch LOTR and you will notice he doesn't even act well in that, it really is the action scenes and the fact that he is an elf that made him popular. One scene in particular, the scene where Aragorn explains for about 10 minutes that they need to distract the eye so that Frodo can sneak by or whatever, anyhow after all that Legolas has an epiphany and says "a diversion!", it's like duh, that's what we have been talking about for ten minutes stupid elf. Granted Bloom didn't write the dialogue but he sure delivered like an idiot.
Cilian Murphy...... I love this actor. 28 days later ruled! (28 weeks later sucked, lucky Danny Boyle is coming back for 28 months later) as Madrigal Raith FTW.
Wilford Brimley as Eb. Yeah he is kind of how I picture Eb, but I have said this before, Brimley is on his last leg, in reality if they made a film now, he couldn't do it, his health is too poor.