In case you missed it, Fred posted a sample
Looks amazing, Fred!
Serioulsy, it looks different from any other game book I have (I've got quite a few). It might just be the best looking rpg in the business when it's all said and done.
So are you done with the first pass at layout? And what do you do during the second pass? How many passes are there before you sell me the pdf? 
The Supernatural RPG tried for a "scrapbook and post-it-notes" approach as well, FWIW. Though I've been working with this idea for a couple years now.

The PDF will first be available with the preorder only. The earliest the preorder could start is April-ish, the latest it could start would be when Origins hits in late June.
I'm done with the first pass.
1st Pass: Main architecture. Get all the text into place and formatted as it should appear with at least placeholders for images.
2nd Pass: Detail work. Tweaks, refinements, cross-reference chasing (there's a ton), art finalization, index, proofreads, etc.
3rd Pass: Paranoid tweaking, staring at the same page until eyes bleed, blood sacrifices in the basement.