Heh, cool thanks, glad I asked. Only been to a couple of RA Salvatore signings like 8 years ago, and I had like 10 books both times with him and it seemed cool.
but I was not the only one there with a big pile, so I didnt feel too bad. But it would be embarrassing to be the only doofus with an entire bushel of books in hand.
so it is near 290 you say? thanks, I am up north near the Arboretum, so that is easier actually, but usually 71 is much faster because of the speed limits. However, I do not know my way around Houston much at all, so I would probably lose that time trying to find my way to MBtB if it is on the other side of town. That town is monstrously big, every time I go there I feel lost, but then again I maybe go there once a year.
yeah I am in Austin, a UT alum even, noticed your Longhorn