I notice Murph doesn't have a Superb skill; only one Great skill. Yet Harry has a Superb skill.
Are they created with different "levels" of starting costs? (Harry has 35 skill points to arrange).
Also, I notice that Harry has 2 slots for Enchanted Items open. Are those "free", the same way the Foci were "free" with his specializations? How would non-wizards start play with Enchanted items, and are those "free", or how would they "buy" them?
Just because the skill cap is at a certain level doesn't mean that people have to make their top skill *at* that cap. That said, I forget if we did Murphy on a different skill cost basis than Harry; I don't have the time to do the tallies.
You can trade in a focus slot to get two enchanted slots, I think. It'll be clear in the rules.

Non-wizards wouldn't start play with enchanted items. There's gotta be a practitioner somewhere who made it, and that person is liable that item as a part of their own package of abilities. (That said, non-wizards might have an artifact of power, but that's a different kettle of fish. Again, you're asking questions that are bigger than a forum post!)