My wife & I had a great time at TusCon and totally geeked out! Wanted to take a moment and thank Jim & Shannon for coming to podunk Tucson. Thank you guys so much!!! We had a great time on Friday, and were seriously contemplating calling in sick to work, to go the whole weekend.
I've met numerous rich & famous people, but none have left me as speechless, and nerdy feeling, as meeting one of my favorite authors! My wife and I went and ordered a pizza from the extremely busy and understaffed lounge. While we were waiting for our food I noticed Jim & Shannon walk in and get in line for food, 30 minutes before they were scheduled to talk! As we had already been waiting 15 minutes for our food. I walked over and offered to share with the Butcher's, so they could eat and still make it in time to talk. Jim politely refused, but I had never been so happy to get turned down on an offer of free food before! The only thing I could think to say after he thanked me for the offer was, "I love your books!" Not quite the articulate response I was planning for a meeting with a favorite author! I never truly realized how big a nerd I was till that moment. Thanks again for the great time!