Author Topic: Forum Policy: Stuff That's Off Limits  (Read 29218 times)

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Forum Policy: Stuff That's Off Limits
« on: October 30, 2009, 11:50:25 PM »
Now that we've done away with the Touchy Topics board at the request of Jim, we have a few topic areas that are simply not okay to discuss on these boards (boards which should be strongly oriented on Jim-specific fandom anyway).

This list may be updated at any time as we evolve our understanding of what topics are particularly toxic.

Do not discuss:

- Real world religion (Grey area: real world religion in the Dresden Files might be OK, but anything that comes off as using that to slam members of particular faiths in the real world by proxy is a step over the line)

- Real world politics (this is not confined to political parties, their hi jinxes, and the like, but also beliefs that cause political hot topics, such as a stance on abortion, death penalty, taxes, LGBT rights either pro or con, gun politics, etc.)

- This includes having anything like the above in your sig, or by your Avatar, or in your Avatar.

Useful guideline: if you find yourself sitting at your keyboard, looking at Jim Butcher Online and thinking "I am OUTRAGED! I must TELL EVERYONE ABOUT THIS OUTRAGE!", DO NOT POST. Stop, take a deep breath, go outside, hug your significant other, do whatever you have to. But this isn't the place for it. We hear blogspot is good for that sort of thing.

Other items for this list are currently under private discussion by the moderators and will see the light of day here shortly.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2009, 11:56:14 PM by Mickey Finn »
Fred Hicks
I own the board. If I start talking in my moderator voice, expect the Fist of God to be close on my heels. Red is my Fist of God voice. *
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