Author Topic: I've never played a table-top, pencil and paper RPG...  (Read 28476 times)

Offline The Doctor

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Re: I've never played a table-top, pencil and paper RPG...
« Reply #30 on: March 23, 2007, 03:10:51 PM »
Cool. Thanks y'all for the tips. I looked up the events calendar for the game con and it looks like they're playing Mage and World of Darkness LARP. I've already started reading up on them at the World of Darkness site and am getting psyched to play. I just hope I don't screw up, embarrass myself or get myself thrown out of the game. Perhaps I should announce I'm a noobie first before I sit down...
If you screw up in character, you screw up in character.  Do what your character would reasonably do.

If you screw up out of character, apologise, and then try to correct your mistake.  Mistakes happen: Do not worry unduly.

It might be a good idea to tell the ST's that you are new to LARPing; any good ST will take a few minutes beforehand to answer any questions that you may have, and probably give you a couple of pointers if you ask them.  Find someone else in a larger LARP to stick with to learn the ropes - often, in-game friendships turn into out-of-game friendships.

You mentioned that you will be playing in a WoD LARP (old-school or new-school?) - keep your rulebook with you.  Use stickynotes or stickytabs to mark the pages that have often-used rules in them, like how to throw challenges and abilities relevant to your character.

Bring a small stack of index cards for items with you to the game.  They are handy, and often required of players.  Usually, someone will be short a couple, so extras are nice.

The Doctor (Camarilla chapter: PA003)
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Offline Samldanach

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Re: I've never played a table-top, pencil and paper RPG...
« Reply #31 on: March 27, 2007, 11:26:57 AM »
I'll second the Doctor's opinion.  Let the ST know you're a newbie.  It's pretty expected to get a few newbies at a con.  Ideally, they'll find an established player that you can shadow for the evening.  You'll play something like a newly Embraced vampire or a ghoul (assuming you're playing Requiem).  You'll be able to watch the established player do things, and get a feel for how things work.  Generally, you'll also get tapped to do things like run errands and deliver messages, which can get you somewhat involved in the plot.

A good ST will even have a plot cookie to throw you, so that other characters have a reason to seek you out.

Also, definitely, relax.  Everyone screws up early in their career.  It's much more important to not be an ass, than it is to be considered competent at the rules.  Think about the principles of good sportsmanship you learned as a kid, and apply those to the game.  That will get you a lot farther, in the long run, than knowing how to get the most use out of your kewl powerz.

Offline finarvyn

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Re: I've never played a table-top, pencil and paper RPG...
« Reply #32 on: March 31, 2007, 10:24:01 PM »
It's much more important to not be an ass, than it is to be considered competent at the rules.  Think about the principles of good sportsmanship you learned as a kid, and apply those to the game.  That will get you a lot farther, in the long run, than knowing how to get the most use out of your kewl powerz.
Exactly. If you get confused just ask and probably someone will help you out if you're a nice person about the whole thing. If you have a neat power, other players may offer ideas and suggestions on when and where to make best use of them.

Above all, enjoy the experience!
Marv / Finarvyn
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