Author Topic: Diffrent Character Concepts  (Read 12338 times)

Offline Flegetanis

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Re: Diffrent Character Concepts
« Reply #30 on: March 14, 2010, 10:16:32 PM »
Correct; that's the short answer; the following Wiki entry sums it up, but there's a lot more to it:

Despite the ill-will, Crowley celebrated his "birthday" (the date of his Golden Dawn initiation) throughout his life. Crowley started his own version of the Golden Dawn system - but firmly based in his philosophy of the New Aeon - called the A.'.A.'., which is distinct from the O.'.T.'.O.'.

Actually, here's a much better history from a LARP group:

Considering the source, the top-level page is a good gaming resource (I forgot about this link - I would have put it in my OP):

Religion may be the opium of the masses, but only a select few can make it their LSD.