Author Topic: Kosher?  (Read 3238 times)

Offline Dom

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« on: December 24, 2006, 03:24:53 AM »
I've always wanted to dissect this or that SFF author's works to see how their stories tick...not out of malice, but to discuss how things work, sort of like taking a clock apart to see how all the little gears and wheels work together to make the final product.

Would this be kosher here?  I ask because out of necessity we'd be talking about specific works or bodies of works, and would say where things didn't work for us-the-reader, (as well as where things do work) which could be misunderstood as bashing.

If this is kosher, is anyone else interested in this?  It's a highly writerly-geeky endeavor.
- has put $0.10 in the pun tip jar as of today.

Offline resurrectedwarrior

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Re: Kosher?
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2006, 05:27:12 AM »
Personally, I would love it. (As long as it doesn't turn into a bashing-session or something. I want to learn, not harp on someone's typo.)

And I don't think there's anything malicious about dissecting someone's work. For me, picking a story that I loved apart--or picking those I didn't apart--is my favorite way to learn what "works" for me and what doesn't.

So, I say go for it. But then . . . I'm not exactly in an authority position to say that . . . better wait for the go-ahead from a mod or something. *shrug*