Weekly Adventure #1
Hiyas, I decided to go ahead and post an adventure idea. I’m putting these into a format familiar to those who have delt with the L5R system, that is, Challenge, Focus, Strike… setup, climax, consequence/resolution. I don’t have anything particularly appropriate or witty so any suggestions for labels a bit more thematic are welcomed (for now I go with Case, Footwork, Close.)
I’d like to thank Scott Stockton for inspiring me to do this.
As this is my first real post I decided to establish something that can get a group started, I hope you all find this versatile enough to use however you like, as an adventure, side distraction, or to launch a campaign. Let me know what you think. Feel free to add your own adventure ideas in this format. That way all of us GMs will be ready when we finally get our hands on the game
Ghost HoaxGhosts are a good lead in to an adventure, as most people are fairly accepting of them, the curious and they’re expected. Fairies trick their prey into accepting gifts so they can declare trade and extract what they want.
Case: A local historical site rumored to be haunted begins gains a lot of publicity. The paranormal occurrences increase and one news crew manages to get some footage of furniture flying around. The characters get involved; perhaps they’re ghost hunting enthusiasts, with the local news, apprentices charged to investigate as a learning experience, fake psychics, or something totally different.
Footwork: The characters investigation of the history of the site reveals that a young child died there a few hundred years ago. The death was tragic, feel free to make up the details yourself so you can make the actual haunting more authentic. Assuming the characters follow typical ghost hunting practices they’re able to make contact with a ghost through EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena) the voice unusually clear. Make some equip malfunction happen while recording and put static in the recording. (Neat Prop Idea: Have the players prepare their questions, then go into another room and record it. Even if you do it live don’t interact directly with the players in real time have them ask all their questions first.) The voice answers questions but never directly, and offers to tell the party where the family treasure is.
Close: The whole thing is a setup by a fairy of great power, one of the Sidhe in order to trick one of the characters into getting indebted. There are a number of motives for this and who are we to try to figure out the way a fairies’ mind works. The result of these could easily be a curse of some kind the fairy levels on the character as payment.
Edited: I figured since no one as commenting in these threads that I'ld put all of them into one thread
so I changed the title.