Author Topic: Diffrent Character Concepts  (Read 12345 times)

Offline blackheart

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Diffrent Character Concepts
« on: July 28, 2009, 02:08:04 PM »
Hello, new to the forums but a long time RPGer and Dresden Files fan.

Like everyone else, I'm awaiting the game with baited breath, but I did have one question.

How hard/easy would it be to use the game mechanics to kit bash other urban fantasy concepts into DFRPG?

Such as Slayers from Buffy, animators from Anita Blake, and such?

Thank-you and best of luck!
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Offline TheMouse

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Re: Diffrent Character Concepts
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2009, 05:49:11 PM »
I can't speak for DFRPG specifically, but FATE -- the system which runs the game -- can handle Slayers without much of an issue. The first time I was ever exposed to FATE, I was doing a Fudge hack for a Buffyverse game. (Fudge, FYI, is the system on which FATE is based.) I was almost done to my satisfaction when I discovered FATE, at which point I had to redo it to handle Aspects and Stunts, because they helped out so much with getting things exactly right.

Based on the spoilers it looks like you'd end up with a Slayer if you took the Stunts for super strength, toughness, and recovery. High fighting skills take care of much of the rest. What those don't do, you hit up with appropriate Aspects; this can cover things like flashes of insight from the dreams that come with being a Slayer.

If such a character had an okay Refresh to start, you could take a Stunt for super speed just to round things out.

The Buffyverse is definitely one of the things I intend to run with DFRPG. So I've been reading the teasers with an eye toward that type of thing.

Offline Simon Hogwood

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Re: Diffrent Character Concepts
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2009, 07:37:20 PM »
Personally, I thought the Emissary of Power character type seemded tailor-made for making Slayers, with or without the serial number still attached.  ;)
Blogging his way through The Dresden Files (currently on hiatus).

Offline TheMouse

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Re: Diffrent Character Concepts
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2009, 10:12:21 PM »
Personally, I thought the Emissary of Power character type seemded tailor-made for making Slayers, with or without the serial number still attached.  ;)

I don't know. Emissaries make pacts with beings. Slayers are chosen, whether they want it or not. There's a bit of a disconnect there unless you really abstract the notion of the pact to be the responsibility of the Slayer to the line of previous Slayers.

I don't think that templates are strictly necessary if you're just going to hack something from some other source; most people who'd want to make a Slayer would probably want to try to be as true as possible to the idea of the thing.

Offline rickayelm

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Re: Diffrent Character Concepts
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2009, 11:46:27 PM »
One thing that you have to remember about the animators from anita blake is that using death magic on humans is illegal in the dresdenverse. So if you ever get caught raising a zombie the wardens will try to kill you.

Offline blackheart

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Re: Diffrent Character Concepts
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2009, 02:51:39 PM »
Yeah, I realise that, but I was also considering using the DFRPG for other custom game settings, and was trying to feel out the crunch levels involved in converting other source material.

I am considering a "kitchen sink" (as in "throw in everything but the"...) universe that has all sorts of urban fantasy influences and origins, as I have a potential player who wants to play an Anita Blake style animator without having the Wardens on her tail every five seconds.
I was considering a "Factions" type universe where the White Counsel isn't the only magic oversight organization in the world, and in past history has led to a standing truce with other magic groups.
This will allow for voodun priests in New Orleans, animators, wicca willworkers, exorsists, demon-pact powers (a'la Jill Kismet from Lilth Saintcrow's Night Shift), all in the same game group.

Just an idea I'm kicking around until the game comes out.
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Offline cephis

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Re: Diffrent Character Concepts
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2009, 03:11:58 PM »
As long as you don't drag Edward into the world, I am all for it.  I doubt that you could even make him with all the attributes he has
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Re: Diffrent Character Concepts
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2009, 05:12:07 PM »
As long as you don't drag Edward into the world, I am all for it.  I doubt that you could even make him with all the attributes he has

Especially since Edweird as a concept screams "god-moding twink who's just asking for the GM to yell 'Rocks Fall! Everyone Dies!'."

Offline Torvaldr

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Re: Diffrent Character Concepts
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2009, 05:43:25 AM »
I am wanting to play a Changeling character. Half Human and half Wild Fae. It would be the Morning Ogre. Just like me. From Sunrise to Sunset as Human. From Sunset to Sunrise as an Ogre.
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Offline rickayelm

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Re: Diffrent Character Concepts
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2009, 01:58:42 AM »
This will allow for voodun priests in New Orleans, animators, wicca willworkers, exorsists, demon-pact powers (a'la Jill Kismet from Lilth Saintcrow's Night Shift), all in the same game group.

From what I have seen on the web site all of these except for the animator can be accomplished with no change to the rules.
-voudoun priest: true believer or emmissary of power, depending on the strength of the relationship with the loa
-wicca willworker: if going for the religiose aspect a true believer, for the magic aspect a minor talent ofr focussed practitioner
-exorsists: a true believer
-demon-pact: an emmissary of power

Offline j3nnee

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Re: Diffrent Character Concepts
« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2009, 02:03:38 AM »
I want a DF card game if only as an off shoot so I can collect the characters :D
I know that's dorky but I want!! I want!!! *pouts*

Offline Dan from Chicago

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Re: Diffrent Character Concepts
« Reply #11 on: December 19, 2009, 05:59:11 AM »
And here I thought this thread was going to be about different character concepts within the game as outlined already :)

so here it goes:

Marcus Woodsen
High Concept: Wolf Brother in Arms
Other aspect: I did my time in the Delta Stockade

Marcus is a former member of a team of lycanthropes currently assigned to Delta Squad Special forces in the US Army. The vast majority of the US Military is not clued in, but enough are to want some guys on their side who can throw down in some hairy circumstances. Unfortunately, he got caught on camera executing some ghouls, and was cashiered for the 'good of the service' aka the good of the rest f the team. Marcus still has some favors to call in from the brass in the know, and his wolf brothers in arms are always willing to fight the good(or bad or ugly) fight, if they're not headed elsewhere.

Offline Ancalagon

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Re: Diffrent Character Concepts
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2010, 04:14:41 AM »
I anticipate being the game master for this once it comes out, but if I were to be the player, I would *so* resurect an old PC of mine... Rupert Thomson:  Egyptian scholar, linguist and alchemist!  Smokes the pipe, has a sword cane (with delusion he can use it) and is so proper people feel compelled to agree with him.

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Re: Diffrent Character Concepts
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2010, 10:19:06 PM »
I was hoping that, under the assumption that someone out there would like to play one, that they would have a denarian character template, as well as templates for playing some of the more evil sides, but I can understand the pc vs monster with no will spine behind the entire setup.

As far as character concepts that haven't been covered yet, for sake of discussion, I'll throw this up in the air

Golem Maker

I had this character from a D&D game a while back ( may or may not be interested in resurecting for dfrpg) that was phsychic and made suits of armour which he controlled like a puppet master. This is different than binder because they were all custom made and the character himself was all but helpless when using it mid-combat. I got him to a point where he could use 3 at a time, was pretty cool.
 But ya, there are probably tons of ways to make a puppet-master type character.

Offline Ancalagon

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Re: Diffrent Character Concepts
« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2010, 10:59:36 PM »
If you want to see "golem magic" *fully* developed, I recommend the following by China Miéville.

One of the main character is basically a golem maker, but he does far more with his magic than just make animated lumps of clay.  He animates iron spikes so he can nail them in with one blow for example.  He makes gunpowder golems.  It's a challenging book - very heavy, political angles, grim at times - but China Miéville has an incredible vision of magic.