Author Topic: Will the Dresden file RPG have supplements?  (Read 28255 times)

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Re: Will the Dresden file RPG have supplements?
« Reply #15 on: April 16, 2007, 04:12:48 AM »
You know what that sounds like to me, Packy? That sounds like an awesome fan-run website idea to help GMs who are running low on ideas to get something to run for a little while. A place where GMs can throw in ideas they've had that they used and don't mind someone else reusing or ones that won't work for their groups and such like that. Some of them might not work 'cause of game-specific developments in the Dresdenverse Baltimore, but it'd be something along the same lines.

Not that the Evil Hat people couldn't do something like this. I'm sure they'd be able to do it awfully well. They are, after all, the professionals. But think of how much more stuff people could get at this way? Especially with a couple good volunteers to quality-control it.

Free and professionals don't have to put in time they can be paid for. That's my two cents. *coughs* Although they could see it as an investment in getting more people to buy the base system, etc.

Another line of inquiry though! Is there any plans for addressing differences in magic between the books and TV show? The TV show magic seems to be a lot more ... broad and less logical? To me, at least.
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Re: Will the Dresden file RPG have supplements?
« Reply #16 on: April 16, 2007, 09:26:56 AM »
ya know a easy way  to do the site is make a yahoo group, there's one already for fate which spirit of the century ties in with it too.  but those sites are free and you can upload files and post messages as well, also make poles and post photo's.  And i'm sure when dresden rpg comes out then the fate group will pick it up and someone will start a couple of new groups just for dresden, check it out if you like
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Re: Will the Dresden file RPG have supplements?
« Reply #17 on: April 16, 2007, 11:31:14 PM »
Well, I'm still really green in Dresdenverse Canon (and know little to nothing of the FATE system), but once I feel comfortable, I would be willing to set up and moderate a Dresden Files RPG group on yahoo for the express purpose of uploading scenarii.  I know for sure that I have at least two Buffy scenarios that would work  perfectly in the Dresdenverse with only a little tweaking.

Now, if someone else is inspired to start this puppy up right away, feel free.  Ya won't hurt my feelers. 

I'm currently working on a heavily Dresden-inspired RPG using the Savage Worlds system (closer to a modern version of the movie "Cast a Deadly Spell" than anything else, actually), and will keep you posted on how that's going.  I'm pretty excited about it, BTW, and spending more time on it than I should.  Why does work have to get in the way of hobbies?


Edit:  Hey, here's a link to one of the Savage Worlds one-sheet horror PDFs.  Check it out . . .
« Last Edit: April 16, 2007, 11:33:55 PM by Packy »

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Re: Will the Dresden file RPG have supplements?
« Reply #18 on: April 17, 2007, 02:37:57 AM »
Sounds like a good idea to me, Packy.
Fred Hicks
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Re: Will the Dresden file RPG have supplements?
« Reply #19 on: April 17, 2007, 02:40:16 AM »
Another line of inquiry though! Is there any plans for addressing differences in magic between the books and TV show? The TV show magic seems to be a lot more ... broad and less logical? To me, at least.

If we do that, it'll be outside of the actual RPG book.  The TV show's too divergent; we'd make a muddled project if we tried to take it on, and our license for the RPG is specifically targeted at the novels, not the TV show.
Fred Hicks
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Re: Will the Dresden file RPG have supplements?
« Reply #20 on: April 17, 2007, 07:25:07 PM »
If we do that, it'll be outside of the actual RPG book.  The TV show's too divergent; we'd make a muddled project if we tried to take it on, and our license for the RPG is specifically targeted at the novels, not the TV show.

A first, sidebar entry for the web material? Would that be feasible with the license as it is written?

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Re: Will the Dresden file RPG have supplements?
« Reply #21 on: April 17, 2007, 07:38:29 PM »
Don't know yet. Honestly, I'd prefer to sort that out after publication. ;)
Fred Hicks
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Re: Will the Dresden file RPG have supplements?
« Reply #22 on: April 18, 2007, 12:16:06 AM »
It might also be worth waiting for the TV series to have a couple of seasons before spending too much time trying to make a sourcebook. Many TV shows have a growing period before they hit their stride, and it's possible (assuming that DFTV continues for a while) that the show might evolve such that later shows have a very different direction than earlier shows.

For example (from the books) Susan plays a big part early but fades into the background a few books into the series. Early books are more noir detective while later books have a somewhat different epic plotline.

The TV series may have similar growing pains as the writers try to follow their own path that isn't just a rip-off of the books.

Just a thought.
Marv / Finarvyn
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Re: Will the Dresden file RPG have supplements?
« Reply #23 on: September 19, 2007, 02:15:37 PM »
May a toss in a (Very late) Suggestion?

Every time a new novel in TDF comes out, add a .pdf supplement to the website. Really, I don't see each novel generating more then 15 pages of new things that can be added to the RPG, and I may be overstating that. Then anyone can DL the supplement, print it up and add it to the rulebook. That way, the game can stay current without the need to keep buying additions to the core book....

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Re: Will the Dresden file RPG have supplements?
« Reply #24 on: September 19, 2007, 02:41:37 PM »
May a toss in a (Very late) Suggestion?

Every time a new novel in TDF comes out, add a .pdf supplement to the website. Really, I don't see each novel generating more then 15 pages of new things that can be added to the RPG, and I may be overstating that. Then anyone can DL the supplement, print it up and add it to the rulebook. That way, the game can stay current without the need to keep buying additions to the core book....


Yeah, I was even thinking, a wiki, so folks can just evolve the RPG given new material, communally.
Fred Hicks
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Re: Will the Dresden file RPG have supplements?
« Reply #25 on: September 22, 2007, 04:49:12 AM »
While I embrace the notion of having a short PDF supplement add-on after each of Jim's books, keep in mind that Evil Hat also has to somehow turn a profit along the way. The unfortunate economics of the gaming industry are such that free PDF files may not be reasonable, but perhaps they can be relatively inexpensive. I would imagine that most supplemental materials would be fan-generated unless enough material was accumulated such that an official supplement from Evil Hat would be warrented.

As to the estimate of 15 pages of PDF per new novel, I agree that this seems somewhat large to me. Keep in mind that each book so far tends to bring in a few new characters, but that those are Chicago characters and the DFRPG will be based on Baltimore. It's possible that new characters in the novels will not be part of the Baltimore Dresdenverse because the two threads are not really designed to overlap so that cross-polination would be at a minimum.

Even so, each new novel adds a couple characters and a small slice of a timeline. Each book advances the plot but it seems like most of the mechanics of the Dresdenverse were unveiled in the early books so unless Harry's powers change radically, there may not be much to write up in that department. Also, the skill system for the original RPG rulebook should cover most generic skills and I wouldn't anticipate many additions after the fact. In other words, once the original gamebook is written there may only be very minimal additions unless the intent is to "pad out" the text with fluff (which really doesn't seem to by Fred's style).

Bottom line -- if Jim really writes 20 books I can maybe see an official supplement coming out at the end because there might be enough new material by then to fill up another book.

Just my two cents.
Marv / Finarvyn
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Re: Will the Dresden file RPG have supplements?
« Reply #26 on: September 22, 2007, 07:54:12 PM »
I am also a 25-years+ Gamer/GameMaster. And I'm sure you can all guess my most played game by my Call Name, here. (It was supposed to be spelled DragonDM, but there was a glitch in the system that day, and so it had to be spelled with a y.)

I like a wide varity of Games, and there are a few that I don't like.

Supplements are both interesting and frustrating. Why did WoTC need to publish both the Complete Arcane, and the Complete Mage- beyond just making more money?
Sure, I loved the idea of the Reserve Spell Feats, and a few of the new spells - but the rest was just advice for new players on how to play a Wizard.....Not worth the almost $30 for that book, for me.
I mean, if I had some totally new Players, sure. I don't.... But wish I did.  :'(

But, I think that it would have been better for WoTC to make a single large book simular to The Complete Adventurer, with all this advice for New Players on how to actually understand and play all of those Old Classes and especially all these New Classes. With more advice on some of the Class Options, and Feat Combinations, so as to make each Character different than the others, beyond just the Character's description.

This comment kinda ties into the 4th Edition D&D Thread that seems to have died...
(4e is switching over to the Computer Table Top, and the internet suppliments.)

Internet Supplements. Great.
Except for those of us that don't have a constant internet connection.
I have to either use a Public Library's computer (where I can't download anything) or borrow a friend's computer.

And, if these supplements are accessable online, will there be a fee to access them
- Like the new version of Dungeon and Dragon Magazines Online?

These kind of e-suppliments will not even exist as far as people like me are concerned.
Unless someone is willing to print it out and mail it to me, for only the cost of postage..?..
I can understand why the fee is there, I just don't always have sufficient fundage.
For myself, as a DM, if someone brings a new book that I don't own, and have not read yet, I tend to tell them that If they can quickly explain what the book does to change their Character, I will allow them to play it, while keeping that book nearby me to quickly paruse.
If I am allowed to take the time to read the book, they would be able to start using it by the next game.

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Re: Will the Dresden file RPG have supplements?
« Reply #27 on: September 23, 2007, 04:25:07 PM »
Imaginative GMs don't need tons of books on their shelves; all that junk only distracts from the roleplaying.  Ever had a GM who needed to crosscheck 10 books before he could answer a simple question in the middle of the action? Or a GM who is so fascinated by all the wonderful detail he researched about, say, Sigil, that he cannot restrain himself but has to tell his players everything about the town as soon as they set foot in it when they would rather explore the alley they have just entered and proceed one street at a time, deciding for themselves whether to turn left or right, and which citizen to ask for directions?

Makes you want to scream in frustration. But then again, I'm female. I don't need 1000000 rules, feats, and gadgets to enjoy a game; I prefer interaction with the other PCs and NPCs (how cliché, huh), and a background story + motivation for my own character.

So I wouldn't mind 1 or 2 supplements for TDF-RPG, but I'm fed up with games like D&D. WOTC are insane. I could simply ignore their newest publications if it wasn't for this one guy in our group insisting on 3.5 (and already threatening us with 4.0) when the others think it sucks. We've ended up with different GMs mastering different versions, one 3.5, the other half 3.5, half 3.0, incl. this supplement but not that one, and 100 house rules, some Arcana Unearthed from Monte Cook, and, oh, Ptolus setting (and this is the GM who's fun). In other words: chaos. Not that chaos isn't the natural state of our group and I love it, but why spend 2000 bucks on something you can have for free?

P.S. I haven't GMed since 3.0 rules and rule-fussy players ruined the game world & central plot I had created based on AD&D, but I've already told my current group that I want to try and master TDF. None of the other players have read Jim's books, so I will have to forcefeed them 3-4 episodes of the series, and we'll go from there... The other players will probably not bother to buy/read the rulebook, so there shouldn't be any rule discussions. That's all those zillion supplements achieve: add to rule discussions and the feat and gadget haggling that take up hours of our precious, limited gaming time.

The fewer rules & supplements, the more fun.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2007, 04:27:39 PM by Suilan »
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Re: Will the Dresden file RPG have supplements?
« Reply #28 on: September 23, 2007, 06:05:43 PM »
Although I agree that less books can be good, Suilan, it’s not always possible.
I would love to get a group that was more concerned with the Story, then the Rules:
But, I am usually stuck with only a few Players at a time, and most of these are unconscious Rule lawyers, and so if I wish to be involved with the group at all, I must give some leeway to said Players. It's just easier when there is a conflict between the players, to have the Rules that are applied on hand. This prevents someone stopping all the action to argue over what can, and can’t, be done.

I can also respect that the Players want to use the Rules to create strong Characters.
The problem with this is the misunderstanding that there are different kinds of strength.

One Player that I have loves to build strong RP characters that end up having almost no power when it comes to a fight. The Gadgiteer Scientist (or exclusively Item-Creating Wizard) with their Lab. Makes a great RP Character, but place this PC in a Dungeon and he’s FUBAR-ed, since they have no access to their Lab, and can only carry a few items at a time. Most of the time, I try to keep this kind of people as NPCs: someone you go and bargain with, to get the item(s) that the Character wants, or the Party needs.

Another Player loves to build powerful combat-oriented Characters (regardless of Class), and then worries about adding RP to them. Effective? Yes. But also tends to be able to be a Party Killer if the Player is ever in the wrong mood.

I can’t get rid of either of these Players, as they make up the majority of the Group that actually shows up on a regular basis. The rest of the Players either have to deal with overwhelming IRL issues (which is understandable, and forgiven), or have other interests that take higher priority in their views – something that happens, and just has to be dealt with, or overlooked.

And just because I’m the DM, does not mean that I always get listened to.
 If I’m being ignored too much as a Player, and especially as a DM, I tend to leave.
“TV is more exciting then this game, now. Later…” Sometimes this gets the other Players to stop and get back to the Game, but not always.
But I also don’t want to have to write an entirely new version of a Game, like I had to do with C.J. Carella’s Witchcraft.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good system, and one that I prefer over White Wolf, but there were things that were important to more then one game, that were not even covered.
Example: The overall Armor Value and Damage Capacity that your average car has. Well. Depends on the make, model and year, that it was built. A 1956 Roadmaster is going to have a lot more durability then a 2000 Roadmaster. The 56 is made of metal siding and solid steel beams that are layered in a way that adds to the durability; where the 2K is made of plastic siding and carbon-composite fiberglass framing, which is way less durable.
As a DM, I love to help new Players learn to play the Games – any of the RPGs.

Personally (as a Player) I love to take a wimpy PC and build them into a Powerhouse – and it’s the story of how they became that Powerhouse that is important to me; but I also want the other Players to have a good time, and to be involved in the same story that my Character is in – each in their own way.

Suilan a GM who is so fascinated by all the wonderful detail he researched about, say, Sigil, that he cannot restrain himself but has to tell his players everything about the town as soon as they set foot in it when they would rather explore the alley they have just entered and proceed one street at a time, deciding for themselves whether to turn left or right, and which citizen to ask for directions?

LoL. This is a hard temptation to overcome, especially when it’s a group of friends that are playing together all the time.
Funny thing is, I have more of the reverse of this, where I will go and get a Module or a Supplement, and at least one Player (and usually at least two) that has already read (if not owns) that item, and knows all about it. (Awesome! I know that there’s an Orge in Dungeon Room 3, and a Mermaid in the town’s well!!)

Ruins the excitement for me of slowly revealing it to the Group. As such, I have a really bad habit of getting these things, not telling anyone that I have it, and then going in and modifying a lot of it with custom made locations, NPCs, and VPCs. The maps stay the same, only some of the place names change.

I’ll check out 4e D&D, but am not sure how much of it I will actually buy.
But, unless I can get my own laptop computer the Virtual Gaming Table
and e-supplements are not going to be something that I am going to be able to get.
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Re: Will the Dresden file RPG have supplements?
« Reply #29 on: September 23, 2007, 07:26:26 PM »
Quote from: DrygonDM
This prevents someone stopping all the action to argue over what can, and can’t, be done.

At least this is a debate we have never had so far. If it's not in the rulebook, the GM decides. Period.

But also tends to be able to be a Party Killer if the Player is ever in the wrong mood.

There is no such thing as players turning against their own people. You're either on the team, or not playing in our group. Not that I ever met a player who tried to turn on the other characters; I'm always a little amazed to hear about them. Perhaps it doesn't happen in groups with male/female ratio of 3:2? Anyway, I'd probably quit a group if that happened and the other players didn't put an end to it.

Another Player loves to build powerful combat-oriented Characters (regardless of Class), and then worries about adding RP to them. Effective? Yes.

We have one of those too. He's harmless as long as he's a player. When he's GM, he forbids almost everything you could do with your awesome skills & feats, ruining most of the fun. Say, you have this dragon adept character with spectral wings and near perfect maneuverability. So in a fight against flying opponents, you say: so I hover just above my comrade and spit acid. The GM rules: Not enough room to maneuver. Player replies: why? You said the ceiling was 15 foot high, and I can hover on the spot, and it's a line of acid. Where's the problem? Well, not a chance.

Funny thing is, I have more of the reverse of this, where I will go and get a Module or a Supplement, and at least one Player (and usually at least two) that has already read (if not owns) that item, and knows all about it. (Awesome! I know that there’s an Orge in Dungeon Room 3, and a Mermaid in the town’s well!!)

Ah well, that's just my point. Most of the supplements are utterly useless. If you want to center your adventure on a special magical item, you can simply invent one yourself. Why would I bother to buy yet another supplement with yet another 100 different magical items if all I need for my campaign are a few special items I can easily invent myself? What do I need maps of 25 cities complete with 1000 stores and taverns in each complete with the price of stew & ale if all I need for my current adventure is one city and ten stores & taverns?

Our GMs usually improvise 50-80% of the adventure. So if we players talk to a NPC the GM didn't expect us to talk to, so the poor bloke doesn't even have a name, that doesn't mean the GM won't adapt to our actions. The NPC might turn out to be a very important person. In the case of your ogre in DR 3, the GM would simply update the ogre by giving him ten classes of monk-barbarian or something ;)

Besides, all players are forbidden by penalty of death not to take a peek into the Ptolus campaign setting. Only the GM knows.

Ruins the excitement for me of slowly revealing it to the Group.

I would imagine so.

As such, I have a really bad habit of getting these things, not telling anyone that I have it, and then going in and modifying a lot of it with custom made locations, NPCs, and VPCs. The maps stay the same, only some of the place names change.

How is that a bad habit? You're a GM who works extra hard to make sure your players (and yourself) will have a good time.

Our GMs usually master their own settings, or a setting that the other players know zero about and are forbidden to "research," or a setting that mixes Babylon 5 with Star Wars with every SciFi game the GM ever played. The downside of this: we switch a lot between settings, systems, and genre. At the beginning I tried to get the GMs to cooperate, that is to take turns mastering games in the same system & setting & for the same group of characters, with their own characters tagging along or going off to special training for a while. But we didn't have two people in our group who could agree on one setting, so I gave up.

I’ll check out 4e D&D,

Argh. I just hope that TDF is published before 4.0. Please.

« Last Edit: September 23, 2007, 07:28:53 PM by Suilan »
Style and structure are the essence of a book; great ideas are hogwash. -- Vladimir Nabokov

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