Author Topic: Do you think they'll do a D20 version of this?  (Read 21993 times)

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Re: Do you think they'll do a D20 version of this?
« Reply #15 on: December 29, 2006, 03:16:31 PM »
I still really only like d20 for D&D or Call of Cthulu, although invesigators do get too powerful in CoC. If I were going to game a modern game with different kinds of magic like the Dresden files, (and I wasn't using the Fate system that comes with the game) I would go with a skill based system like Gurps. The game is just much more realistic when it come to things like combat and untrained skill use. And since the mechanic is 3d6, you do get a nice bell curve for your skill checks.  The only problem with the system is if you have a fight between two skilled opponents a fight can last a long time as you are basically waiting for the first person to roll a crit hit, but there are ways to avoid that with feinting and other manuvers.
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Re: Do you think they'll do a D20 version of this?
« Reply #16 on: December 29, 2006, 04:54:32 PM »
GURPS is a great system. Just wish it had more numerical varience that percents could give it. Maybe more stats with multi stat mods (like rolemaster where a skill bonus off a stat could be str/str/dex as opposed to just one stat, making it more realistic and less singulary stat dependent on certain classes).

Offline mime64

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Re: Do you think they'll do a D20 version of this?
« Reply #17 on: January 08, 2007, 06:24:41 AM »
How bout a system where people dont obsess over numbers and percentages and crits all the time. Maybe, a system where you play a role, and do things besides kill things, and possibly use your head. I dunno, one can dream.

Just, please dear God stay away from D20.

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Re: Do you think they'll do a D20 version of this?
« Reply #18 on: January 08, 2007, 08:40:44 AM »
How bout a system where people dont obsess over numbers and percentages and crits all the time. Maybe, a system where you play a role, and do things besides kill things, and possibly use your head. I dunno, one can dream.

Just, please dear God stay away from D20.

We're using Fate (as discussed in the latest Designing Dresden post over on the RPG's site).  So no d20. :)
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Offline The Last Bean

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Re: Do you think they'll do a D20 version of this?
« Reply #19 on: January 09, 2007, 06:28:03 AM »
I really liked the latest Designing Dresden. It seemed to cover almost everything that's been brought up here, and addressed what is to me a very serious issue with a Dresden style game, and one of FATE's biggest benefits: handling imbalance in character strength. I think Rob said it very well, and it's always best to quote official material, is it not?

Posted in Designing Dresden 6 by rdonoghue:

In the end, it comes down to the Batman/Superman dilemma.

If you are playing a game that stats up characters in an even faintly logical fashion, Superman has at least an order of magnitude more "points" than Batman. They're incredibly mismatched. On paper, they're Angel Summoner & BMX Bandit. Yet side by side in the comics, they rock.

This issue is pretty important for the Dresden Files. Harry is a lot more powerful than Murphy or Billy, so how do you handle that issue? If the answer is "Harry is higher level" then you've just described a game I don't want to play, because that more or less implies that the lower level characters are mostly there for color, not because they're needed or are meaningful contributors. Ideally, I want something that distributes importance in a manner more akin to a novel or comic book.

Offline finarvyn

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Re: Do you think they'll do a D20 version of this?
« Reply #20 on: January 17, 2007, 11:16:09 PM »
A couple things to comment upon:

1. As far as the linear d20 vs bell 3d6, I find that at extremes both systems tend to break down. I suppose each can have a preference, but at least a d20 is more predictable than 3d6. What I mean is that a +1 is the same no matter where on the d20 you are, but a +1 can mean different things in the 3d6 roll. Far too many gamers and game designers really don’t have a good feel for numbers and haven’t a clue what this means as far as play or game balance goes.

2. In a level-based game, a higher level character is better than a lower level character. In a skill-based game, a more skilled character is better than a less skilled character. If a character has more luck, karma, fate points, fate dice, or whatever, that character will be better than another who is lacking those things. Any imbalance in the game is a function of the GM running the campaign, not a fault of the rules.

3. While not a fan of the d20 system, I am a fan of the original rules on which they are based. Original D&D was built on a level system and allows for progression at a slow or fast rate, depending upon how the GM wants to make it happen. In my campaign, I don’t bother to count experience points but instead award levels as they are deserved. I often start characters out at third level and we slowly advance until eighth or so, then generate new characters and start over. Do characters get better in jumps? Sure, but it’s really more gradual than it sounds because not all characters gain a +1 for everything each time they advance. A skill system does a similar thing, only the players have a bit more control over where their advancement goes. I prefer a class system because it has a nice template and makes it easier to generate NPCs and easier to advance characters.

All of this is academic. Dresden Files will be based on Fate3. Track down a copy of Fate and look at it rather than debating the merits of other game systems which are not really part of these boards anyway.

Just my two cents.  8)
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