Hello! I was at the signing as well, and Jim was warm, hilarious and relaxed in front of the crowd of eager readers. I agree with him on the whole 'author reading' bit. He stated that he appreciates them not asking him to do a reading because "well, I assume all my readers know how to read."
I live an hour away from Dayton, and was told by the event coordinator that I could not get my copy of Turn Coat signed, but luckily I brought my copy of Princep's Fury. He ended up signing them both, though. I did in good faith look for a copy of Mean Streets or Welcome to the Jungle, which they had already sold out of. Oh well
One question for you longtime followers of Mr. Butcher's work: he mentioned the classes he took with a well published author and how that author's influence and suggestions made Jim write his first successful book, (Stormfront) despite his worst intentions. Who was this mentor? I am curious to see if they have a 'How To' book alongside their evident 40 or so published books..