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  • TC signing in Chicago, IL: April 06, 2009

Author Topic: April 6/7, 2009: TC signing in Chicago, IL  (Read 32712 times)

Offline Kassandra Trask

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Re: April 6/7, 2009: TC signing in Chicago, IL
« Reply #15 on: April 06, 2009, 04:21:09 PM »
Um, Hi,everyone!
I'm new to this post-blog-place-guy thing I'M SORRY AHEAD OF TIME and Hello. 

This may be a day late BUT, I grew up in Chicago and The Dead Animal Zoo (You know it as the place where Harry "liberated" Sue for a day--the Field Museum) and espeically at Lincoln Park Zoo (I was told I was born there and that my secret true parents are in the Great Ape House but I think that was a lie.  I've seen my birth certificate and it definitely says New York).  I can tell you that all the hotels in Downtown Chicago are excessively expensive.  Anyones that aren't, well, you do NOT want to stay there.  I reccomend looking around O'Hare Airport area for less pricey hotels (Schaumburg, Rosemont, Des Plaines River Road, Northwest Chicago area), Des Plaines, and there's even a Days Inn or Holiday INN in downton Evanston that is pricey but not as pricey and it's about 30-40 minutes away from Downtown Chicago.  Am I remembering that Jim will be in Oak Brook at the book store there? Cause I'm sure the hotels in Oak Brook are less expensive.  You won't believe me when you see the bill, but they are.   

Now, personally, I think the only cool places in Chicago are the Dead Animal Zoo, the Planetarium, the Live Animal Zoo, the Shedd Aquarium (essentially, Museum Campus).  Also, a tour of the buildings left after THE FIRE, is a great place to go.  The Water Tower Pumping Station and there is a Limestone Church left on State Street.  Don't miss Second City, and the Historical Society is awesome too--great if you want to learn about THE FIRE.  Those are close to LPZ (Lincoln Park Zoo).  We have great architecture so LOOK UP, cause that's where you'll really see some great work.  If you are lookign for Frank Lloyd Wright buildings, you'll have to google for them--they are everywhere.

If you are looking for the Mitchell Native American Museum, it is NOT where Jim thinks it is in Dead Beat.  In fact, it hasn't been there in about 20 years.  It IS in Evanston, but it moved to Central Street, across from THE WORLDS BEST COFFEE SHOP EVER (Casteel and Company, they roast the beans there and you can get stoned off the fumes...they totally rock!  You'll never lower yourself to Starbucks again!).  I have actually not yet been to the Mitchel Museum, even though I grew up in Evanston and could have gone there on my lunch break for the 7 years I worked up the road a peice in Hell... I mean Evanston Hospital (AKA: Wolfram and Heart Healthcare).  I would google the exact location first.  Don't forget the plethora of fantastic food you can get in Evanston, Skokie, Lincolnwood and Chicago.  I highly reccomend renting a car if you don't have one with you and get a good map of the areas.  The lake front is always a great place to visit and you won't want to miss Buckingham Fountain, which may be up and running but with this wacky weather, who knows. 

Northwestern University Campus, where much of the battle took place in Dead Beat, is on the corner of Sheridan Road and Chicago Ave (clark street in Chicago, Chicago Ave in Evanston), as the road curves around and makes you dizzy.  You'll be in NWU campus area (ok, most of downtown Evanston is NWU campus area). 

I won't be at the Book signing so I'll miss you all, but I'll be there in spirit and will head to the local bookstore on my way home from day job tomorrow to spend full retail price on Turn Coat (which we know is a mortal sin and against the 13th commandment of "thou shalt not pay retail:). 

I'll check back so that if any of you have any more questions about Chicago, you can ask and I'll answer. 

-Kassandra Trask
I'd tell you, but you won't believe me.

Offline Someday

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Re: April 6/7, 2009: TC signing in Chicago, IL
« Reply #16 on: April 06, 2009, 04:50:04 PM »
Also, do not eat at a chain restaurant (unless it's a chicago pizza chain) because there's way too much local and ethnic food available and it's sooooo good.  Take advantage of the many used and rare bookstores located all around town (often in basements of buildings).  I recommend just walking around for a few hours and poking your head in interesting stores, restaurants, and buildings.  Do this before the book comes out or after you've read it!  ;)

The lakefront is fun to visit.  You can read your book on the beach if the weather cooperates (not likely in April). 

Enjoy the Blues and comic clubs.  There's a lot of commercial excitement around Navy Pier (if you bring kids) and Michigan Avenue (if you want to spend a gazillion dollars or just like ritzy window shopping).

Stay off of Lower Wacker once the sun goes down because that's where the trolls live  :P

And if you drive, make sure you bring a small fortune for parking and remember which parking garage your car is in.  Chicago's a big place and many of the parking garages look the same.  Not that I've ever forgotten where I parked and walked around for 2 hours in the middle of the night looking for my darned car  ::)  Trust me, those homeless shelters start to look inviting after a while!

Offline Kassandra Trask

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Re: April 6/7, 2009: TC signing in Chicago, IL
« Reply #17 on: April 06, 2009, 05:21:21 PM »
-Kassandra Trask
I'd tell you, but you won't believe me.

Offline Shingetsu

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Re: April 6/7, 2009: TC signing in Chicago, IL
« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2009, 06:19:29 PM »
How many people do you think will be there? I'd ask how early should I show up, but I probably can't make it till right before 10:30 sadly.

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Re: Chicago Signing
« Reply #19 on: April 06, 2009, 06:29:29 PM »
I'm planning to drive to Chicago to get some of the signing action. I was wondering if there were any plans to meetup before the signing with forum members?

Hey, I'm new to these forums, and have only been reading the books for a couple months, in fact I stayed up late last night to finish Dead Beat.

Myself and another guy from another message board (The Straight Dope) are meeting at 9 PM tonight at the Ditka's located right across the street from Borders.  Google Ditka's in Oakbrook, it's on the ground floor of an office building at Rte 83 and 22nd Street in Oakbrook.  We'll hang out there a bit, and head over around 10:30 for the fun at Borders.  Dex looks like Cary Grant (he said that not me), I'll be in jeans and a vaguely pumpkin colored pullover.  That's all the clues you get.

But stop in anyway!

Offline meg_evonne

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Re: April 6/7, 2009: TC signing in Chicago, IL
« Reply #20 on: April 06, 2009, 08:05:25 PM »
Oh, you guys are going to have so much fun!  Wish I could have been there!  Dang....

And did anyone from board send me something from emeeatj?  sounded like spam. If it's one of you guys, let me know!  Came in on YIM.. 
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Offline Murphy's Stunt Double

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Re: April 6/7, 2009: TC signing in Chicago, IL
« Reply #21 on: April 06, 2009, 11:04:54 PM »
*Sniffles and turns green with envy*

Have a WONDERFUL time, everybody! I wish I could be there!
If you are up to no good, please do no good for me too, okay?   ;D


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Re: April 6/7, 2009: TC signing in Chicago, IL
« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2009, 01:52:40 AM »
My partner and fellow Dresden groupie is going to be the interviewer tonight, while I twitter & post turning green with envy, but it is his first interview.  It was a cool coincidence that he was going to be in IL tonight, so seeing the chance of a lifetime, we asked for the interview.  Now, I am afraid that he is really nervous.  If you see a nervous looking guy in a black collared shirt with on the left corner, and two guys in tow with camera equipment, that is Jeremy.  Tell him "Hi", and try to distract him from himself. ;)

I think he had no idea now nerve wracking it would be to meet, much less interview someone who you look up to so much.  I think Jim & Bruce Campbell would be his two biggest idols, so he is star struck.

Tell him Renee sent ya, and to remember to breathe!

Thanks guys!

Offline Shingetsu

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Re: April 6/7, 2009: TC signing in Chicago, IL
« Reply #23 on: April 07, 2009, 07:19:04 AM »
It was allot of fun. Jim Butcher is a funny guy. Standing for three hours kind of sucks, but it's still worth it.

Offline C K Dexter Haven

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Re: April 6/7, 2009: TC signing in Chicago, IL
« Reply #24 on: April 07, 2009, 01:05:05 PM »
Agree with Shingetsu.

They started with a Q-and-A in which Jim was charming and witty. He could have done improv or stand-up comedy. Then there was a costume show, perhaps a dozen people in costumes -- mostly Harry (although, I have to say, just wearing a duster doesn't make you Harry) but a cute Pizza 'Spress, a Murphy, and a Max the Bartender. Then came a long stretch where he signed older books that people brought, based (pretty much) on the order in which people showed up. Had I know then what I know now, I would have got there three or four hours early, got my color tag, and then gone off for supper and a movie and come back at 10. Oh, well. At midnight, they started selling TURN COAT, and many people just bought pre-autographed copies and left rather than wait for personalization.

The lines were verrrrry slow, in part because Jim (gentleman to the core) chatted with everyone, posed for pictures, and was just as pleasant and nice to each person as could be. And, of course, there were people in line buying 10 copies of TURNCOAT.

I wanted my old books signed as well, so I had to wait. I did get the first twelve chapters of TURN COAT reat while waiting, so it wasn't a total loss. And waiting in a bookstore is not bad, from one point of view (and is terrible from a don't-spend-money point of view.) So, I got to the Borders at 10 on the nose, and wasn't back in my car until 1:15 AM.

But, all worthwhile to have the personalized signed copies.

At midnight,

Offline wesfanemt333

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Re: April 6/7, 2009: TC signing in Chicago, IL
« Reply #25 on: April 07, 2009, 02:16:18 PM »
I made it!  Granted, I didn't get there until 11:30ish.  But I got the books I brought with signed, along with Turncoat.  I got home around 4.  Five hours later and I'm up, making sure to spend time with my baby girl(my youngest, she's two).  So, I'm wiped out, but it was so worth it!  :)

Offline corran horn

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Re: April 6/7, 2009: TC signing in Chicago, IL
« Reply #26 on: April 07, 2009, 03:29:15 PM »
I went last night as well.  Am I wrong, or had Jim never mentioned the titles of the Capstone trilogy yet?

The titles are..."Hell's Bells", "Stars and Stones", and "Empty Night", as announced by Jim last night.

I had a great time as well.  The guy dressed as Mac looked authentic.  I got there around 10pm and work obligations today 'forced' me to simply stand in line for the signed copy without getting anything personalized.  Jim will be back in the area for Duckon in June (or July) and I'll see him then.

Offline mal3607

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Re: April 6/7, 2009: TC signing in Chicago, IL
« Reply #27 on: April 07, 2009, 03:48:56 PM »
I thought it was a fantastic event.  (Course I was lucky enough to have a blue band and was able to get everything signed that I wanted with little wait)  I"m not sure they were prepared for the turnout. 

Still, Mr. Butcher was kind and very patient I thought...he was engaging with the crowd in the Q & A and even avoided the stupid questions with sincerity.  ("Um, if you die, how are you going to end the series?"  Come on, what is wrong with you.  You want him to tell us the ending to the series now? Are you insane?)

Although I had only read the Dresden Books so far, the obvious joy in his writing and respect for the fans that he showed makes me want to pick up the Codex and start on those as well.  Thanks, Mr. Butcher.

Offline netrunnr

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Re: April 6/7, 2009: TC signing in Chicago, IL
« Reply #28 on: April 08, 2009, 12:38:01 AM »
First time I have been able to go out and see Jim in person.  It was well worth the 4-hour round trip, 3 hours of sleep, and a long day at work today.  As many have said before, Jim was terrific, witty, sincere and willing to take as much time as needed for everyone in line.  The crowd was friendly and everyone seemed to have a good time.  Now I have all the Dresden and Alera books signed ;D ;D - couldn't be happier.

Offline McAnally

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Re: April 6/7, 2009: TC signing in Chicago, IL
« Reply #29 on: April 08, 2009, 02:11:01 PM »
I went last night as well.  Am I wrong, or had Jim never mentioned the titles of the Capstone trilogy yet?

The titles are..."Hell's Bells", "Stars and Stones", and "Empty Night", as announced by Jim last night.

I had a great time as well.  The guy dressed as Mac looked authentic.  I got there around 10pm and work obligations today 'forced' me to simply stand in line for the signed copy without getting anything personalized.  Jim will be back in the area for Duckon in June (or July) and I'll see him then.

I was 'Mac' that night.

Thank you! 

I decided to go with who I looked like based on the descriptions in the books, instead of who I want to be. 

Has anyone put up pictures or video online yet?